罗永年:诗囊岁月 墨海春秋

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罗永年,1971年生,字仲玉,号长辉,又号日月轩,山东菏泽人,现居北京。自书、自诗、自画。诗书画作品多次发表在《工人日报》《中国社会报》《北京旅游报》《书法导报》《青少年书法报》等报刊。作品入编《中国当代书法人物志》《当代著名书法家大典》《民族复兴的里程碑》《丹青墨韵黄河口》等,曾获首届“八一杯”全国文学艺术大赛诗书双佳二等奖、“张裕杯”全国诗书画大赛三等奖、中国科技文化成果博览会书画邀请大展成人组金奖、“申奥有我”全国征文大赛优秀奖等奖项。作品多次在北京、上海等地展出,曾被国家党政机关、团体、博物馆、美术馆以及国内外友人收藏。现为中华诗词学会会员、中国楹联协会会员、中国书法协会山东省分会会员、中国美术家协会山东省分会会员。 Luo Yongnian, born in 1971, the word Zhong Yu, No. Chang Hui, Xuan Yue Sun Moon Hin, Heze, Shandong, now living in Beijing. Since the book, since the poem, self-painting. Poetry, calligraphy and painting works repeatedly published in the “Worker’s Daily” “China Social Daily” “Beijing Tourism News” “Calligraphy” “Youth Calligraphers” and other newspapers and periodicals. Works into the “contemporary Chinese calligraphers figures” “contemporary famous calligraphers” “national rejuvenation milestone” “Danqing ink rhyme Yellow River estuary”, won the first “August cup” national literature and art contest Shuangjia Second Prize, Zhang Yu Cup, National Poetry Painting and Calligraphy Contest, Third Prize, China Science and Technology Cultural Achievements Exposition Invitation, Invitational Achievement Gold Medal, Grand Prize of Outstanding Applicants for National Olympic Contest. Works on many occasions in Beijing, Shanghai and other places on display, has been the national party and government agencies, organizations, museums, art galleries and friends at home and abroad collection. Now he is a member of Chinese Poetry Society, a member of China Federation of Associations, a member of Shandong Branch of China Calligraphers Association, and a member of Shandong Artists Association of Chinese Artists Association.
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