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社会主义再初级也总归是社会主义。中国建立民生财政的时机和条件已成熟。民生财政是不断增长的经济进入百姓家、让国民直接分享经济发展成果的最佳途径,也是扩大内需最便捷的高速公路。福利好了,后顾之忧消减,生活用度和质量也会提升。因此不必再以GDP的增长为考核各级政府官员政绩的第一指标,而应当转向民生问题解决得多少、解决得好坏来评价他们。民生财政,为民造福;官僚财政,为官造腐。从总体看,国家民生财政支出序列大致可为:一是国防,以强兵卫国安邦;二是科技,以利器胜天立地;三是教育,以育才兴国光华;四是医疗,以健民安居乐业;五是政府,以高薪廉洁奉公。 Socialism is always socialism. The timing and conditions for establishing a livelihood finance in China are ripe. People’s livelihood finance is the best way to let the people directly share the fruits of economic development as the ever-increasing economy enters the people’s home and is also the most convenient expressway to expand domestic demand. Well-being, worries reduce, life cost and quality will improve. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to regard the growth of GDP as the first indicator to assess the performance of government officials at all levels. Instead, we should turn to how much people’s livelihood problems can be solved and how to solve them well or badly to evaluate them. Livelihood finance, for the benefit of the people; bureaucratic finance, corruption for the official. In general, the sequence of national public expenditure on financial expenditure can generally be as follows: First, national defense should be strengthened to protect the country and protect the country; second, science and technology should be used to make a living by victory; third, education should be rejuvenated by the state; Guanghua, People live and work in peace and contentment; Fifth, the government, with high-paying honest corruption.
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