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说实话,我对拳击比赛并不是非常关心,对拳击的了解仅限于知道泰森、刘易斯、霍利菲尔德几个拳坛霸主的名字。当新闻中心的领导通知我,要我与《今晚20分》的段文红和崔伟一起去采访霍利菲尔德时,对拳击运动孤陋寡闻的我,感到既兴奋又紧张。中午11点钟,当我们采访组一行3人来到索菲特银座大饭店时,发现这里已经汇集了上百人,其中 To be honest, I’m not very concerned about the boxing match, the understanding of boxing is limited to know the names of several tycoons Tyson, Lewis, Holyfield. When the head of the news center informed me that I was going to interview Holyfield with Duan Wenhong and Cui Wei, who were “20 points tonight,” I felt both excited and tense about my ignorance of boxing. At 11 o’clock noon, when we interviewed a group of 3 people came to the Sofitel Silver Plaza Hotel, found that there have been brought together hundreds of people, including
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