劳动和社会保障部确定内设机构 设12个职能司(厅)机关行政编制为245名

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根据国务院批准的《劳动和社会保障部职能配置、内设机构和人员编制规定》,劳动和社会保障部设12个职能司(厅)。(一)办公厅承办部领导政务活动事宜;承担综合性政策调研和协调工作;负责部机关的综合协调和政务运转工作,拟定工作制度、工作计划并负责监督检查;负责领导指示和会议决定事项的督办工作;负责会议组织、公文审核、文电处理、机要档案、秘书事务、信访及接待联络工作;负责部新闻宣传和期刊管理工作,汇集和提供劳动和社会保险敢务信息;负责部机关的财务、保卫和本部的保密工作。(二)法制司拟定劳动和社会保险立法规划,起草、修订、清理劳动和社会保险法律法规草案和行政规章。监督检查劳动和社会保险法律法规的执行情况,依法行使国家劳动监督检查权,制定劳动监督检查工作规范,指导和监督地方劳动和社会保险监督检查机构的工作;承办部机关法律 According to the “Regulations on the Allocation of Functions and Staffing of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Establishment of Institutions and Staffing Regulations” approved by the State Council, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security has 12 functional departments (offices). (A) the Office of the Department of contractors responsible for the affairs of the government affairs; commitment to comprehensive policy research and coordination; responsible for the overall coordination of government agencies and government operations, the development of the work system, work plan and supervision and inspection; responsible for the leadership of the directives and decision matters Responsible for the organization of the meeting, document review, message processing, confidential files, secretary affairs, petitions and reception liaison work; responsible for the Department of public information and journal management, collection and provision of labor and social insurance dare to information; responsible department Institutional finance, security and headquarters of confidential work. (2) The Bureau of Legal Affairs formulates the legislative plans for labor and social insurance, drafts, revises and cleans up the draft laws and regulations on labor and social insurance and administrative rules and regulations. Supervise and inspect the implementation of labor and social insurance laws and regulations, exercise state labor inspection and supervision authority according to law, work out work supervision and inspection work standards, and direct and supervise the work of local labor and social insurance supervision and inspection agencies;
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