The role of immunoinformatics in analysis of immune response against severe acute respiratory syndro

来源 :Journal of Microbiology and Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzx6963817
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In order to analyze the immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SARS-CoV), immunoinformatics and computational analyses were performed to study the immunological characters of SARS-CoV. According to the results of immunoinformatics analysis, the obvious variation of HLA-A2 associated T cell epitopes between SARS virus and HCoV-229E was found as follows: (1) Disappearance of HLA-A2 binding site; (2) variation sequence on the HLA-A2 associated epitope; (3) emergence of a new HLA-A2 associated epitope. The immunoinformatics results were evidenced by T2 cell binding assay, ELISPOT and DimerX staining. In conclusion, immunoinformatics is a useful method to analyze the immunological character of a new finding infectious pathogen, like SARS-CoV. These findings of immunoinformatics are confirmed by lab and clinical experiments. In this case, immunoinformatics seems a very useful tool in the study of immune response and the evaluation of vaccine in infectious diseases, such as SARS. In order to analyze the immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SARS-CoV), immunoinformatics and computational analyzes were performed to study the immunological characters of SARS-CoV. According to the results of immunoinformatics analysis, the obvious variation of HLA-A2 associated T cell epitopes between SARS virus and HCoV-229E was found as follows: (1) Disappearance of HLA-A2 binding site; (2) variation sequence on the HLA-A2 associated epitope; (3) emergence of a new HLA-A2 associated epitope. The immunoinformatics results were evidenced by T2 cell binding assay, ELISPOT and DimerX staining. In conclusion, immunoinformatics is a useful method to analyze the immunological character of a new finding infectious pathogen, like SARS-CoV. These findings of In this case, immunoinformatics seems a very useful tool in the study of immune response and the evaluation of vaccine in infectious di seases, such as SARS.
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