辽宁省墙体材料工业协会年会暨墙体材料生产应用技术经验交流会于 2 0 0 1年 1 1月 2 7~ 2 9日在鞍山市召开。此次会议参加人员之多 ,代表面之广 ,受到社会各界尤其是各级领导部门之高度重视 ,会议内容之充实、丰富均是前所未有的 ,是辽宁省墙材行业空前的一次盛会。参加这次
The annual meeting of the Liaoning Province Wall Material Industry Association and the experience exchange conference for the production and application of wall materials were held in Anshan City from Jan. 27 to Jan. 20, 2001. The number of participants in the conference and the wide range of delegates are highly valued by all walks of life, especially the leading departments at all levels. The enrichment and enrichment of the conference contents are unprecedented and it is an unprecedented event for the wall materials industry in Liaoning Province. Join this time