择校:你说 我说 他说

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择校——一种活生生和社会现象摆在我们面前。择校的存在。有其客观的历史的必然。谁不愿意把自己的孩子送到一所好的学校,接受好的教育。然而,在择校现象的背后。又不可否认的存在着这样的三种现实和矛盾:一是我国《义务教育法》规定,小学和实践不收学费,适龄儿童都有接受九年义务教育的权利和义务。出于此,各级教育行政部门都出台过一系列划片招生,不准择校,免试就近入学的规定。二是由于历史的原因,现实各地初级中学的发展很不平衡,办学条件、师资水平、教育质量的差异客观存在的。这是择校产生的根源。择校给不同的学校带来不同的后果:一些所谓的重点学校车水马龙,挤破了门,一些薄弱学校门庭冷落车马稀。三是学生所处家庭的经济状况和社会关系千差万别,经济条件好的家庭,家长出钱给孩子择校,有某种特殊社会关系或随带关系的家庭则千方百计少交钱择好校,没有经济能力的家庭只有望校兴叹,任其划片就近入学。如何认识这些现实和矛盾,如何解决择校这一热点问题,我们走访了石家庄市部分名校和薄弱学校的校长、教师以及教育行政干部和学生家长,请听一听他们的见解。 School choice - a living and social phenomenon before us. The existence of school choice. It has its inevitable historical history. Who does not want to send their children to a good school and receive a good education. However, behind the school selection phenomenon. There are undeniable existence of such three kinds of realities and contradictions: First, China’s “Compulsory Education Law” stipulates that primary schools and practice do not charge tuition fees, and school-age children have the right and obligation to accept nine-year compulsory education. As a result, education administrative departments at all levels have issued a series of scribbles to enroll students, and they are not allowed to choose schools and refrain from entering the school. Second, due to historical reasons, the development of junior middle schools across the world is unbalanced. The differences in the conditions for running schools, the level of teachers, and the quality of education exist objectively. This is the root cause of school choice. Choosing schools has different consequences for different schools: Some so-called key schools are busy and crowded, and some weak schools are neglected. Third, the economic conditions and social relations of the students’ families are very different. The families with good economic conditions, the parents give money to children to choose schools, there are certain special social relations or families with whom they are affiliated, they make every effort to choose a good school, and there is no economy. The ability families can only sigh at the school and allow them to attend schools nearby. How to understand these realities and contradictions, and how to solve this hot issue of school selection, we visited the principals and teachers of some elite schools and weak schools in Shijiazhuang, as well as educational administrators and parents of students. Please listen to their opinions.
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