(Connected to the period) Nine, body roll tart 54. Rapid inspiration at the same time, the body twist to the left, starting up. With the potential, the left leg up to the right knee hit the knees, knees hanging, enough to be placed in the right knee next to the knee; right leg knees left, support independent. At the same time, the left arm pronation from the top down to the left through the chest, abdomen arc by tart, palms placed in the left hip, palm down, thumb inward, into a “tiger’s paw” shape; right arm Outside the turn of the palm, from the bottom up to the left by the right rib next to the internal rotation to the left arc roll tart, palm placed on the top of the head, palm diagonal up, palm pointing left, into a “tiger’s paw palm” shape. Eyes on the left. (Figure 55)