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周恩来是中国人民解放军的主要创建者和领导人之一,人民军队政治工作的先驱,卓越的无产阶级战略家、军事家,同时也是我军实现革命化、现代化和正规化的主要设计者和组织者.新中国成立后,周恩来时刻关注着人民解放军的“三化” 建设,为铸造一支捍卫我国国防的钢铁长城呕心沥血.1950年6月,人民解放军的总人数高达540万人,但军队的构成基本上还是单一的步兵,而且当时军费支出占当年国家财政支出的38.8%,很不适应恢复和发展国民经济的需要.党的七届三中全会决定:“在保障有足够力量用于解放台湾、西藏,巩固国防和镇压反革命的条件下,人民解放军要有步骤地大量减少军队数量.”根据全会的精神,周恩来具体负责军队统一编制、裁减兵员的工作.他主持召开了中央军委会议,确定:缩小陆军步兵部队,加强海空军及其他特种兵建设,做到复员工作与军队建设并重.拟分两期将540万军队裁减为300万人左右,第一期于1950年复员140万人,第二期于1951年视情况再复员整编100万到120万人,力争将全军的定额压缩为250万至300万人.这是我军第一次大规模的裁军.为了保证这一艰巨任务的顺利进行,从中央到地方成立了各级复员委员会(后改称转业建设委员 Zhou Enlai is one of the major founders and leaders of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army; pioneer political work of the people’s army; outstanding proletarian strategist and military strategist; and at the same time it is also the chief designer and organizer of the revolution, modernization and regularization of our army After the founding of New China, Zhou Enlai paid close attention to the “Three Modernizations” of the People’s Liberation Army and made painstaking efforts in casting a Great Wall of China for the defense of our country. In June 1950, the total number of the People’s Liberation Army was as high as 5.4 million. However, Constitute essentially a single infantry, and military spending was then accounted for 38.8% of state expenditures that year, it is not suited to the need to restore and develop the national economy.Second Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee decided: “In the protection of sufficient power for the liberation Taiwan and Tibet, consolidating national defense and suppressing counter-revolution under the conditions of the People’s Liberation Army to step by step to significantly reduce the number of troops. ”In accordance with the spirit of the plenum, Zhou Enlai specifically responsible for the unified military organization and reduction of soldiers .He presided over the Central Military Commission held a meeting, Determine: Reduce the Army Infantry Force, strengthen the navy and air force and other special forces construction, demobilization and the army Equal emphasis should be laid on reducing the 5.4 million troops to about 3 million in two phases, the first phase to demobilize 1.4 million in 1950 and the second to rebuild from 1 million to 1.2 million in 1951 depending on the circumstances, The quota of the army has been reduced to 2.5-3 million, the first large-scale disarmament by our army, and in order to ensure the smooth progress of this arduous task, a demobilization committee at all levels was set up from the central government to the localities
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