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目的了解本溪市流行性感冒(流感)流行规律和特征,为今后的流感防控工作提供科学依据。方法统计2008—2010年度本溪市流感监测哨点医院报告的流感样病例(ILI)就诊比例,并采集ILI标本进行病原学检测,对监测结果进行整理、分析。结果 2008—2010年2个监测周期中,流感监测哨点医院报告的ILI%分别为2.53%和3.16%,采集的ILI标本病毒分离阳性率分别为3.08%和10%,不同时期优势型别不同,2008年以季节性流感H1N1型为主,2009年以甲型H1N1流感病毒为主,2010年以B型和季节性流感H3N2型为主。结论 ILI%的变化能够较好地反映本溪市流感病毒的活动情况,不同监测年度流感病毒流行优势毒株不断发生变化,5岁以下婴幼儿是流感侵袭的主要人群。 Objective To understand the prevalence and characteristics of influenza in Benxi City and to provide a scientific basis for future prevention and control of influenza. Methods The proportion of influenza-like illness (ILI) cases reported in Benxi flu surveillance sentinel hospitals in 2008-2010 were collected. ILI specimens were collected for pathogen detection and the monitoring results were collated and analyzed. Results ILI% reported by influenza surveillance sentinel hospitals were 2.53% and 3.16% respectively during the two monitoring cycles from 2008 to 2010. The positive rates of ILI specimens collected were 3.08% and 10%, respectively. The prevalences of different types of ILI were different In 2008, the seasonal flu H1N1 was the main type. In 2009, the H1N1 influenza virus was the main type. In 2010, the type B and seasonal influenza H3N2 were the main types. Conclusion The change of ILI% can well reflect the activity of influenza virus in Benxi City. The prevalence of influenza virus in different monitoring years keeps changing. The infants under 5 years of age are the major population of influenza.
人对世界的感知依赖于大脑的活动,而大脑这个神经中枢大约要接受四百多万条神经纤维所传来的脉冲信息。在这其中,通过两只眼睛传入的纤维就有二百万条(占一半!)之多,所以一闭上双眼,切断了视觉信息,脑细胞就非常容易处于抑制状态,甚至进入睡眠。这是神经生理学的事实。它告诉我们,信息是大脑活动的必要条件。  读了控制论的创始人诺伯特·维纳(NorbertWiener)的《人当作人来使用——控制论与社会》(上海
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In order to intercept the future targets that are characterized by high maneuverability, multiple interceptors may be launched and aimed at single target. The s
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