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基于280多个县(市)的18项社会经济发展评价指标,采用层次分析法构建定量化评估体系,并借助Arc GIS空间分析技术,分析了黄土高原区县域发展的空间差异和变化特征。结果表明:2000年黄土高原区社会经济发展水平普遍较低,综合发展指数在1.09~3.79之间,空间上表现为西北部和东南部高而中部较低的格局,区域间差距较小;之后的11年,综合发展指数均值由2000年的2.06上升到2011年的3.03,社会经济发展水平显著提高,但区域发展速度差异明显,西北部迅速,西南部迟缓;到2011年,西北部综合指数达5.18~7.05,东部和中部在3.01~4.89,西南部仅1.71~2.99,区域间发展水平差距拉大;县域社会经济发展具有明显的空间集聚性,即高值和高速区聚集,低值和低速区聚集,区域中心城市的辐射带动作用不强。应加强区域合作和对发展滞后县域的扶持力度。 Based on the evaluation index of 18 social and economic development in more than 280 counties (cities), the quantitative assessment system is constructed by analytic hierarchy process. With the aid of ArcGIS spatial analysis technology, the spatial difference and change characteristics of county development in the Loess Plateau are analyzed. The results show that the level of social and economic development in the Loess Plateau was generally low in 2000, with a comprehensive development index of 1.09-3.79. The spatial pattern showed a pattern of high in the northwest and southeast and low in the middle with a small regional difference. In 2011, the mean value of the comprehensive development index rose from 2.06 in 2000 to 3.03 in 2011, and the level of social and economic development has risen significantly. However, the pace of regional development has notable differences, with the rapid rise in the northwest and the slowness in the southwest. By 2011, the northwestern composite index Reaching 5.18 ~ 7.05. The eastern and central regions are 3.01 ~ 4.89 and the southwestern ones are only 1.71 ~ 2.99. The disparity in regional development level widens. The socio-economic development of the county has obvious spatial agglomeration, that is, the accumulation of high and high velocity zones, Low-speed area gathered, the regional center of the city’s radiation driven role is not strong. We should strengthen regional cooperation and support for the development of lagging counties.
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