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1999年 1 0月 1 1~ 1 4日 ,由中国食品科学技术学会和国际食品科学技术联盟联合举办的“东方食品国际会议”在京召开 ,来自世界各地的 80 0多名专家、学者和企业家云集一堂 ,共同探讨“迈向 2 1世纪的东方食品”。会议期间 ,本刊记者与《中外食品工业信息》的记者联合采访了一些与会人士 ,重点了解海外食品市场状况、科研如何转化为生产力、中国食品工业及市场的不足与建议等 ,采访稿的题目就以本次会议主题为中心 ,并在采访稿中加进笔者的一些随感 ,希望浅陋之感能或多或少引起您的共鸣 On October 11th, 1999, the International Food Conference on Oriental Food jointly organized by the China Food Science and Technology Association and the International Food Science and Technology Alliance was held in Beijing. More than 800 experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from all over the world attended the conference. Gathered together to discuss “Oriental Foods for the 21st Century.” During the conference, the journalist and the journalist of “Chinese and Foreign Food Industry Information” jointly interviewed some participants and focused on understanding the status of overseas food markets, how scientific research translates into productivity, and the shortages and suggestions of China’s food industry and markets. Focusing on the theme of the conference and adding some of the author’s feelings to the interview, I hope that the sense of shallowness will more or less arouse your sympathy.
韩国SKC公司于今年4月开始在美国生产PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯)薄膜. South Korea’s SKC began production of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) film in the United State
对我国纺织服装工业的发展态势、认识上的误区、经济地位及发展战略等重大问题进行了全面分析与探讨。 We have conducted a comprehensive analysis and discussion on maj
呼斯太河流域从1994 年开始,利用黄土高原水土保持世行贷款进行综合治理,到1998 年已产生了十分显著的经济、生态、社会以及缓洪减沙效益。通过监测,农民收入提高近4 倍、粮食产量提高2.5 倍
据了解,目前2-萘酚的市场供需情况主要受到两个因素制约: It is understood that the market supply and demand of 2-naphthol is currently constrained by two factors:
中国圣中集团股份有限公司(黑龙江省)与吉林市集源实业有限公司于近期合资组建的圣中集团吉林新型 China Shengzhong Group Co., Ltd. (Heilongjiang Province) and Jilin J