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黄河三角洲在我国动物地理区划中属于华北地区黄淮平原亚区。该区东部濒临渤海,内陆有着大面积的天然草场,有纵横交错的大小河流,星罗棋布的湾塘、水库,又有曲折的海岸线和岛屿,地形平坦,地理条件优越,气候温和,自然环境多样,为野生药用动物提供了良好的栖息环境和丰富的食物来源。黄河三角洲是我省药用动物资源比较丰富的地区之一,对于该区药用动物资源的分布情况,尚未见系统报道。自1986年以来,我们对该区进行了10余次野外调查采集工作,基本摸清了药用动物资源的分布情况,现报告如下。药用动物资源分布概况通过调查统计,本区药用动物共计184种和亚种,隶属154属,107科及66目。根据药用动物的分布特点和自然条件等因素,可大致分为四个分布区域,即近海水域、海岸滩涂、内陆水域和陆地平原。 The Yellow River Delta belongs to the Huanghuai Plain subregion of North China in the animal geographical division of China. The eastern part of the area is close to the Bohai Sea, with a large area of ​​natural grassland inland, large and small crisscross rivers, dotted ponds and reservoirs, tortuous coastlines and islands, flat terrain, superior geographical conditions, mild climate and diverse natural environments. Provides a good habitat and a rich food source for wild medicinal animals. The Yellow River Delta is one of the regions with relatively rich medicinal animal resources in our province. For the distribution of medicinal animal resources in the region, there have been no systematic reports. Since 1986, we have carried out more than 10 field surveys and collections in the area, and have basically figured out the distribution of medicinal animal resources. The report is as follows. The distribution of medicinal animal resources through the survey statistics, a total of 184 kinds of medicinal animals and sub-species, belonging to 154 genera, 107 families and 66 orders. According to the distribution characteristics of medicinal animals and natural conditions and other factors, they can be roughly divided into four distribution areas, namely the coastal waters, coastal tidal flats, inland waters, and land plains.
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