
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:manacewj
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Objective: To establish whether functional recovery of gait in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis coincides with changes in the temporal patterning of lower extremity muscle activity and coactivity during treadmill walking. Methods: Electromyographic (EMG) data from both legs, maximum walking speed, the amount of swing phase asymmetry and clinical measures were obtained from a group of post-acute patients with hemiparesis, as early as possible after admission in a rehabilitation centre (mean time post-stroke 35 days) and 1, 3, 6, and 10 weeks later, while all patients participated in a regular rehabilitation program. EMG data from the first assessment were compared to those obtained from a group of healthy controls to identify abnormalities in the temporal patterning of muscle activity. Within subject comparisons of patient data were made over time to investigate whether functional gait recovery was accompanied by changes in the temporal patterns muscle (co-)activity. Results: EMG patterns during the first assessment showed a number of abnormalities on the paretic side, namely abnormally long durations of activity in biceps femoris (BF) during the single support (SS) phase and in gastrocnemius medialis (GM) during the first double support phase (DS1). Furthermore, in both legs a prolongation of the activity was seen in the rectus femoris (RF) during the SS phase. In addition, the duration of BF- RF coactivation was longer on the paretic side than it was in controls. Over time, the level of ambulatory independence, body mobility, and maximum walking speed increased significantly, indicating that substantial improvements in gait ability occurred. Despite these improvements, durations of muscle (co-) activity and the level of swing phase asymmetry did not change during rehabilitation. More specifically, timing abnormalities in muscle (co-)activity that were found during the first assessment did not change significantly, indicating that these aberrations were not an impediment for functional gait improvements. Conclusions: Normalization of the temporal patterning of gait related muscle activity in the lower extremities is not a prerequisite for functional recovery of gait in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis. Apparently, physiological processes other than improved temporal muscular coordination must be important determinants of the restoration of ambulatory capacity after stroke. Significance: Recovery of walking ability in post-stroke hemiparesis is not necessarily associated with, or dependent on, reorganization in the temporal control of gait related muscle activity. Normalization of the temporal coordination of muscle activity during gait may not be an important clinical goal during post-acute rehabilitation. Objective: To establish whether functional recovery of gait in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis coincides with changes in the temporal patterning of lower extremity muscle activity and coactivity during treadmill walking. Methods: Electromyographic (EMG) data from both legs, maximum walking speed, the amount of swing phase asymmetry and clinical measures were obtained from a group of post-acute patients with hemiparesis, as early as possible after admission in a rehabilitation center (mean time post-stroke 35 days) and 1, 3, 6, and 10 weeks later, while all patients participated in a regular rehabilitation program. EMG data from the first assessment were compared to those obtained from a group of healthy controls to identify abnormalities in the temporal patterning of muscle activity. Within subject comparisons of patient data were made over time to investigate whether functional gait recovery was accompanied by changes in the temporal patterns muscle (co-) activity. Results: EMG p atterns during the first assessment showed a number of abnormalities on the paretic side, from abnormally long durations of activity in biceps femoris (BF) during the single support (SS) phase and in gastrocnemius medialis (GM) during the first double support phase Further, in both legs a prolongation of the activity was seen in the rectus femoris (RF) during the SS phase. In addition, the duration of BF-RF coactivation was longer on the paretic side than it was in controls. Over time , the level of ambulatory independence, body mobility, and maximum walking speed increased significantly, indicating substantially substantially in gait ability occurred. Despite these improvements, durations of muscle (co-) activity and the level of swing phase asymmetry did not change during rehabilitation More specifically, timing abnormalities in muscle (co-) activity that were found during the first assessment did not change significantly, indicating that these aberrations were not animpediment for functional gait improvements. Conclusions: Normalization of the temporal patterning of gait related muscle activity in the lower extremities is not a prerequisite for functional recovery of gait in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis. Apparently, physiological processes other than improved temporal muscular coordination must be important determinants of the restoration of ambulatory capacity after stroke. Significance: Recovery of walking ability in post-stroke hemiparesis is not necessarily associated with, or dependent on, reorganization in the temporal control of gait related muscle activity. Normalization of the temporal coordination of muscle activity during gait may not be an important clinical goal during post-acute rehabilitation.
【摘要】随着信息化时代的发展,知识的重要性越来越明显,社会和各界人士对于教育的关注程度也越来越高。初中教学作为义务教育的重要组成部分,同时在学生的成长和学习中也有着承上启下的作用。初中班主任要结合初中阶段学生的实际情况,对学生进行软管理,使学生可以获得良好的发展环境,实现健康成长。  【关键词】初中 班主任 软管理  软管理是当代世界管理创新的新趋势,是基于传统在严格按照规章制度进行管理的特征而提
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钟表作为一种计量时间的工具,其中隐含了许多数学知识,具体体现在:两条直线的夹角、两条直线的重合、两条直线的垂直等方面.请看如下几个例子. As a time-measuring tool, w