Simultaneous Accelerator Parallelization and Point-to-Point Interconnect Insertion for Bus-Based Emb

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiping1209
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As performance requirements for bus-based embedded System-on-Chips(So Cs) increase, more and more on-chip application-specific hardware accelerators(e.g., filters, FFTs, JPEG encoders, GSMs, and AES encoders) are being integrated into their designs. These accelerators require system-level tradeoffs among performance, area, and scalability. Accelerator parallelization and Point-to-Point(P2P) interconnect insertion are two effective system-level adjustments. The former helps to boost the computing performance at the cost of area,while the latter provides higher bandwidth at the cost of routability. What’s more, they interact with each other. This paper proposes a design flow to optimize accelerator parallelization and P2 P interconnect insertion simultaneously.To explore the huge optimization space, we develop an effective algorithm, whose goal is to reduce total So C latency under the constraints of So C area and total P2 P wire length. Experimental results show that the performance difference between our proposed algorithm and the optimal results is only 2.33% on average, while the running time of the algorithm is less than 17 s. As performance requirements for bus-based embedded System-on-Chips (So Cs) increase, more and more on-chip application-specific hardware accelerators (eg, filters, FFTs, JPEG encoders, GSMs, and AES encoders) are being integrated into their designs. These accelerators require system-level tradeoffs among performance, area, and scalability. Accelerator parallelization and Point-to-Point (P2P) interconnect insertion are two effective system-level adjustments. The former helps to boost the computing performance at the cost of area, while the latter provides higher bandwidth at the cost of routability. What’s more, they interact with each other. This paper proposes a design flow to optimize accelerator parallelization and P2 P interconnectExplain simultaneously.To explore the huge optimization space, we develop an effective algorithm, whose goal is to reduce total So C latency under the constraints of So C area and total P2 P wire length. Experimental results show that the performance dif ference between our proposed algorithm and the optimal results is only 2.33% on average, while the running time of the algorithm is less than 17s.
摘 要:提高课堂效率是政治课教师课堂价值的追求,提高思想政治课课堂效率需要教师不断提高自身素质,并在課堂应用多样的教学方法、幽默的教学语言、有效地引导调动学生的参与热情。  关键词:课堂效率;提高;优化  什么事情都应追求效率,追求在特定的时间里以最小的投入获得最大的产出。思想政治课课堂教学亦然,尤其是在社会转型的大背景下,在推进新课改的进程中,对思想政治课教学提出了更高的要求。因此,研究如何构建