一、日本蚕丝业的现状 战后五十年来,日本蚕丝业是在日本经济恢复及高速成长的背景下发展和维持下来的。在终战的当时,日本的国民经济频临崩溃,民用产业极为衰弱,物资匮缺,物价高涨。而在这样的背景下,蚕丝业却得到了一个新的发展契机。 由于在战前及战争期间,蚕丝业都曾是一个支撑了日本经济的主要产业。在积累资金、换取外汇上,蚕丝业起着其他产业所不能替代的作用。20年代末,日本制丝业最为发达时,制丝工厂多达2,500多家。很多现代化的大公司、
I. The status quo of the Japanese silk industry In the 50 years after the war, the Japanese silk industry was developed and maintained under the background of Japan’s economic recovery and rapid growth. At the time of the end of the war, Japan’s national economy was on the verge of collapse, the civilian industry was extremely weak, supplies were scarce, and prices were rising. In this context, the silk industry has gained a new opportunity for development. Because before and during the war, the silk industry was once a major industry that supported the Japanese economy. In the accumulation of funds, in exchange for foreign exchange, the silk industry plays a role that cannot be replaced by other industries. In the late 1920s, when the Japanese silk industry was most developed, there were more than 2,500 silk factories. Many modern big companies,