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英语的使用越来越广泛,英语教学就变得更加重要。学生从小学三年级就开始学习英语,在初中英语教学阶段,学生的思维能力和理解水平显著提高,这样对于英语的学习是十分有利的。短短的45分钟的课堂需要师生之间完美的协调合作,才能使英语课更加高效。 English is becoming more and more widely used and English teaching becomes more important. Students began to learn English from the third grade of elementary school. In the junior high school English teaching stage, the students’ thinking ability and understanding level were significantly improved. This is very favorable for English learning. A short 45-minute class requires perfect coordination and cooperation between teachers and students to make English lessons more efficient.
William was pastor of a smallchurch in a rural community.Wilbur and his wife, Leah, attendedevery Sunday morning. Wilbur was afarmer, and whenever he came into
Jack was very keen on fishing.He had a big collection ofdifferent kinds of rods and hooksand flies,and whenever he hadsome spare time,he went down tothe river
Father’s Day was born in memory and gratitude by a child whothought that his/her father and all good fathers should be honoredwith a special day just like we
I can still remember quiteclearly the day I arrived inBeijing.It was a sunnyautumn day,and a bit cold for uswho are used to the weather backhome.Some Filipino