母婴传播是乙型肝炎的重要传播途径之一,感染多发生在胎内或分娩时,故多数婴儿在出生后6个月内可检出乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)。Sherlock 认为胎儿的细胞免疫不成熟,当他们从母体感染乙型肝炎病毒时,容易发展为HBsAg 携带者。母婴传播与母亲血清中是否存在e 系统密切相关。本文着重调查e 系统与乙型肝炎母婴传播的关系。材料和方法(一)对象:1981年9月至12月,在丽水
Mother-to-child transmission is one of the most important routes of transmission of Hepatitis B. Most of the infections occur during intrauterine or childbirth. Therefore, most babies can detect hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) within 6 months after birth. Sherlock believes immature cells in the fetus are immature and develop easily as HBsAg carriers when they are infected with hepatitis B virus from their mother. Mother-to-child transmission is closely related to the presence or absence of e-system in maternal serum. This article focuses on investigating the relationship between e system and hepatitis B mother-infant transmission. Materials and methods (A) of the object: September 1981 to December, at Lishui