在中国’99昆明世界园艺博览会上,一座特殊的作物大棚引起了人们的好奇。 那里面时而传来婉转悠扬的音乐声,时而又闪现出五彩缤纷的灯光。走进去一看,嗬!顶花带刺的绿黄瓜,戴着红缨帽的老玉米,红彤彤的西红柿个个惹人喜爱,可这音乐和灯光是怎么回事?这时,工作人员会告诉你,这是在给作物们施“肥”呢! 用音乐和灯光给作物施肥,真是新鲜。原来,生物学家们发现农作物也有自己的嗜好,这些嗜
In China ’99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition, a special crop greenhouse caused people’s curiosity. From time to time it came melodious melodious music, sometimes flashing colorful lights. Into a look, 嗬! Top cucumbers with green cucumbers, corn with red tassels, and red tomatoes are all welcome, but how about the music and lighting? At this moment, the staff will tell you that this is for crops “Fat” it! Fertilizing crops with music and light is really fresh. It turned out biologists found that crops also have their own hobbies, these addicts