
来源 :地球空间信息科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxg1112
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Based on digital image processing technique, a real-time system is developed to monitor and detect the dynamic displacement of engineering structures. By processing pictures with a self-programmed software, the real-time coordinate of an object in a certain coordinate system can be obtained, and further dynamic displacement data and curve of the object can also be achieved. That is, automatic gathering and real-time processing of data can be carried out by this system simultane- ously. For this system, first, an untouched monitoring technique is adopted, which can monitor or detect objects several to hundreds of meters apart; second, it has flexible installation condition and good monitoring precision of sub-millimeter de- gree; third, it is fit for dynamic, quasi-dynamic and static monitoring of large engineering structures. Through several tests and applications in large bridges, good reliability and dominance of the system is proved.
摘要:本文分析了农村小学后进生形成的主要原因,从家庭环境、学生自身因素、教师因素三大方面的影响进行阐述;并从组织心理疏导,做好家校教育工作、充分发挥教师的主导作用、发挥学生的主体作用三个方面,着手探讨转化方法和采取适合农村教学的应对措施。  关键词:后进生;形成原因;转化措施  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)12-0020  一、学困生形成原因 
In aerial photography, the primary factor is terrain undulation. However, most of the external aerial photography software used for aerial photography design do
摘要:在教学中,预设与生成是一个共同的结构体,预设属于生成的基本前提,而生成则是预设价值的有效体现,预设是保障生成效益的关键,但是有效的生成又必须依靠严谨的预设才能得以实现。在课堂教学中,预设与生成有相互融合的特点,是提升教育质量的关键。对此,为了更好地提高初中语文教育质量,本文详细分析了初中语文课堂教学中预设与生成的有机融合。  关键词:初中语文;预设与生成;融合方法  中图分类号:G633.3
摘要:随着英语新课程改革的全面深入,广大英语教师不再只关注学生的学业成绩,纷纷把注意力转向如何提高学生的英语语言表达能力上,英语语言表达能力在英语教学中占据着越来越重要的地位。“课前3-5分钟的自由对话”已成为许多英语教师用来训练语言表达能力的一种有效方式,本文旨在探索如何通过教师的有效指导来提高学生自由对话的实效性。  关键词:有效指导;自由对话;实效性  中圖分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:
High resolution image fusion is a significant focus in the field of image processing. A new image fusion model is presented based on the characteristic level of
A texture image segmentation based on nonlinear diffusion is presented. The scale of texture can be measured during the process of nonlinear diffusion. A smooth
摘要:和谐教育离不开和谐的课堂教学。本文从教学实践出发,拟从制订三维教学目标,设计不同层次问题,重视问题预设,激发学生提问来论述构建和谐课堂的教学策略。  关键词:和谐课堂;教学策略;高中化学  中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)12-0024  和谐社会的基本特征之一是教育的协调发展。构建和谐社会依赖于构建和谐教育,而和谐教育离不开和谐的课堂教学。