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You are a student of English as a second language.This means thatyou do not yet know English completely.But you do know another lan-guage.This is the language that you already speak.It is sometimes calledyour native language.You may speak French,or Arabic,or Japanese.You can do many things with your native language.You can read it andwrite it too.Linguistics is a field of study that is concerned with theseabilities that you have.It studies your ability to speak and understand alanguage—any language.Linguists are trying to understand your abilityto use a language. You are a student of English as a second language.This means that you do not yet know English completely.But you do know another lan-guage.This is the language that you already speak.It is sometimes called your native language.You may speak French ,or Arabic,or Japanese.You can do many things with your native language.You can read it andwrite it too.Linguistics is a field of study that is concerned with theseabilities that you have.It studies your ability to speak and understand alanguage— Any language.Linguists are trying to understand your abilityto use a language.
初学写作的人常常认为,要把句子写得漂亮就得多用点形容词、副词。其实正如心理语言学家James Deese所说:“一句话中最有份量的是动词,因为他传达的信息最多。”一些有关写
《大学英语》1986年第一期刊登了陆建非同志的文章《“更不用说……”的几种英译法》。作者在介绍“let alone”时,只说明了“let alone”后接名词或动词两种用法,本文在此
尊敬的编辑同志:你们好! 《科技英语学习》是我们学习英语的良师益友。她时代气息浓郁,切合英语学习者的实际,内容丰富,文采十足。 Dear Editors, Comrades: How are you!