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1985年底,服兵役三年的我,打起背包,收拾行旅,从福州乘坐一天二晚的火车,退伍回到了从小生长的豫章古都、洪城郡府之英雄城——南昌。当我怀揣民政部门的介绍信,跨进坐落于南昌市站前路七号、南昌铁路分局的大门,来到人劳部门报到时,工作人员调出了我的档案,看了看我,便征求我的意见:你是想到南昌房建段,还是向塘机务段,或是向塘车站工作呢?在我的脑海里和印象中,车站应该是铁路的指挥中枢,无论是电影《红灯记》里的故事,还是《铁道游击队》里的情节,列车如果没有得到车站给出的发车指令,或亮出的绿色信号灯,就会老老实实地呆在车站动也不敢动、车轮转也不敢转。所以我毫不犹豫的脱口而出,到向塘车站工作。就这样,我与铁路结下了不解之缘,成为了一名光荣而又自豪的铁路人。第二天,早早的起了床,洗盥整装完毕,随意吃了碗白菜泡饭,便匆匆忙忙赶往车站,乘坐6 At the end of 1985, after three years of military service, I took back packs, packed up my journey, took a train from Fuzhou for two days a day, and returned to the ancient capital of Yuzhang, where I grew up. When I carried a letter of introduction from the civil affairs department, I crossed into the gate of Nanchang Railway Station on the station No.7 of Zhanqian Road in Nanchang City. When I arrived at the Labor Department for reporting, the staff transferred out my file and looked at me. Seeking My Opinion: Do you think of Nanchang Housing Construction Section, or to the pond locomotive section, or to the station work? In my mind and the impression that the station should be the command center of the railway, whether it is the movie “red light Mind ”in the story, or“ Railway Guerrillas ”in the plot, if the train did not get the departure command given by the station, or lit green lights, will be honest to stay at the station did not move moving, the wheels turn Not dare to turn. So I blurted out without hesitation to work at Xiangtang Station. In this way, I formed an indissoluble bond with the railway and became a glorious and proud railwayman. The very next day, got up early, finished wash wash complete, free to eat a bowl of rice with cabbage, they rushed to the station, take the 6
生活在交通拥挤的大城市,搭乘地铁出行是必须的,闷热、拥挤、只想快点下车,如果车站不仅仅是冰冷机械的交通工具,而是历史、文化、艺术、建筑和设计的融合体,乘客的心情大概会轻松许多。世界最美的 9座地铁站为乘客的旅程带来了什么?  1.加拿大蒙特利尔战神广场公园地铁站  Champ-de-Mars Station -Montreal, Canada  战神广场公园地铁站于1966年10月14日开放,是蒙
In this study,histidine kinase gene kdpD in the two-component regulatory system of Vibrio alginolyticus strain HY9901 was cloned for bioinformatics analysis. Se
听省二实验学校侯雅君老师讲一节平几课,颇有所启,颇有所悟,颇有所得。先简要介绍一下教学过程,然后谈几点学习的体会。 这节课讲的教材是现行几何第二册“7.22点的轨迹”。
Oplegnathus fasciatus(rock bream) is a commercial rocky reef fish species in East Asia that has been considered for aquaculture.We estimated the population gene
1993年普通高校语文试卷第1卷第15题为文言文阅读理解能力检测题,它要求考生判断“古有讨除不胜者,特人不用命耳”这句话在文中的正确意思。其四个选项为: A.古时有讨除蝗虫