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不知道从什么时候起,商界业开始信奉一个原则——顾客就是上帝。然而在发达的美国,许多顾客却发现他们不再是上帝了。今天商店里的服务标准就是不提供任何服务,假使真的碰到了好的服务,那也是服务人员本身有这份热心,和商店的整个经营观念毫无关系。 美国尤利西斯国际顾问公司的调查发现,大多数美国公司只是在口头上表示对顾客承诺,而实际上根本不兑现。美国一家市场调查公司最近对4000名顾客做的一次调查显示,只有25%的人认为零售商店的服务质量是非常好或者良好的,在被调查的20个行业里,顾客满意程度最高的24小时快递服务也不过得到43%满意的评价。由此人们不得不思考,在商业领域竞争激烈的时代,在人们公认优质服务是商业成功的基础时代,为什么商业服务的质量却在下降呢?调查不难发现,主要原因是近年来商业部门削减服务人员,降低成 Do not know when the business community began to believe in a principle - the customer is God. However, in the developed United States, many customers found that they were no longer God. The standard of service in today’s stores is that they do not provide any services. If they really encounter a good service, then the service staff themselves have this enthusiasm and it has nothing to do with the entire business concept of the store. A U.S. survey of Ulysses international consultants found that most U.S. companies only verbally expressed their commitment to customers and actually did not honor them at all. A survey conducted by a US market research firm on 4,000 customers recently showed that only 25% of people think that the quality of service in retail stores is very good or good. In the 20 industries surveyed, the highest level of customer satisfaction is 24 hours. The delivery service also received a 43% satisfactory evaluation. As a result, people have to think that in the era of fierce competition in the commercial field, and people recognize that quality service is the basis of commercial success, why is the quality of business services declining? The survey is not difficult to find, mainly due to the reduction in the business sector in recent years. Service personnel, reduced to
阐述了目前反窃电工作面临严峻形势,分析了其现状,并提出了反窃电的措施和对策。 Describes the current anti-steal job is facing a grim situation, analyzed the status
新亚纸业集团是以制浆造纸为主业,集热电、林基地建设、环保综合治理为一体的大型企业集团。截止目前,拥有近20亿总资产,6000多员工,861名各类工程技术人员, New Asia Paper
周建平毕业于上海电子技术学院,学习计算机专业。进入家电行业以前,主要从事技术工作,研究工业微波炉。加盟光华前身心族集团后,从一个销售人员做起,见证了飞 Zhou Jianping