
来源 :媒体时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangzhubin
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电视把现代文化“植入”民族村落里,为民族的传统文化和现代文化相融合创造了条件。在这样的过程中,电视推动了社会的发展和进步,但也“置换”了民族传统文化,带来了民族传统文化消亡的危机。在这种文化变迁过程中,针对传统文化有两种选择:一是自我封闭,从被现代传媒所包围的文化中退出来,保持现代文化的隔绝,这样的结果是被人类文化的发展趋势所边缘化;一是积极参与现代文化,努力推进民族传统文化和现代文化融合,对民族文化进行重新建 Television sets the modern culture “implanted” in ethnic villages, creating the conditions for the integration of the national traditional culture and modern culture. In such a process, television has promoted the development and progress of society, but it has also “displaced” traditional ethnic cultures and brought about the crisis of the demise of traditional Chinese culture. In this process of cultural change, there are two choices for traditional culture: one is self-closing, withdrawing from the culture surrounded by modern media, and keeping the isolation of modern culture, the result of which is being bordered by the development trend of human culture First, actively participate in modern culture, strive to promote the integration of traditional ethnic culture and modern culture, and rebuild national culture
美国高中教材《Biology》(Prentice Hall)和中国人教版高中《生物》必修教材都有大量展示科学概念和科学事实的科学图示。比较了这两种教材中科学图示的内容主题、种类和图示描
核基因中含有更加丰富的生物学信息,运用核基因序列或将核基因序列与线粒体基因序列相结合研究昆虫的系统发育正成为分子系统学领域的一种发展趋势.核糖体基因中18S rDNA、28