Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of SE Tibetan plateau from Rayleigh-wave group-velocity measu

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szywit01
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A shear-wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the SE Tibetan plateau was derived by inverting Rayleigh-wave group-velocity measurements of periods between 10 and 70 s. Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersions along more than 3,000 interstation paths were measured based on analysis of teleseismic waveform data recorded by temporary seismic stations. These observations were then utilized to construct2 D group-velocity maps in the period range of 10–70 s.The new group-velocity maps have an enhanced resolution compared with previous global and regional group-velocity models in this region because of the denser and more uniform data coverage. The lateral resolution across the region is about 0.5° for the periods used in this study. Local dispersion curves were then inverted for a 3D shear-wave velocity model of the region by applying a linear inversion scheme. Our 3D shear-wave model confirms the presence of low-velocity zones(LVZs) in the crust beneath the northern part of this region. Our imaging shows that the upper-middle crustal LVZ beneath the Tengchong region is isolated from these LVZs beneath the eastern and northern part of this region. The upper–middle crustal LVZ may be regarded as evidence of a magma chamber in the crust beneath the Tengchong Volcanoes. Our model also reveals a slow lithospheric structure beneath Tengchong and a fast shield-like mantle beneath the stable Yangtze block. A shear-wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the SE Tibetan plateau was derived by inverting Rayleigh-wave group-velocity measurements of periods between 10 and 70 s. Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersions along more than 3,000 interstation paths were measured based on analysis of teleseismic waveform data recorded by temporary seismic stations. These observations were then utilized to construct 2 D group-velocity maps in the period range of 10-70 s. new group-velocity maps have an enhanced resolution compared with previous global and regional group-velocity models in this region because of the denser and more uniform data coverage. The lateral resolution across the region is about 0.5 ° for the periods used in this study. Local dispersion curves were then inverted for a 3D shear-wave velocity model of the region by applying a linear inversion scheme. Our 3D shear-wave model confirms the presence of low-velocity zones (LVZs) in the crust beneath the northe rn part of this region. Our imaging shows that the upper-middle crustal LVZ beneath the Tengchong region is isolated from these LVZs beneath the eastern and northern part of this region. The upper-middle crustal LVZ may be regarded as evidence of a magma chamber in the crust beneath the Tengchong Volcanoes. Our model also reveals a slow lithospheric structure beneath Tengchong and a fast shield-like mantle beneath the stable Yangtze block.
本刊是河北农业大学主办的综合性农业学术期刊 (季刊 ,国内外公开发行 )。主要刊登农学、园艺、植物保护、林学、畜牧兽医、食品科学、农业机电工程、土木建筑工程等学科及其
我终于静下来了。  静下来,是在办公室里,望着批好的作业,一丝疲惫从心底漫到指尖。我忽然想,自己何尝不是一本作业,被岁月信笔写来,对与错杂糅,工整与潦草相间,而谁又是批改的人?  从办公室出来,长长的走廊空无一人,不知何方飘来熟悉的旋律,是那首《昔日重来》。这首歌我听过许多次,现在却忽然让我心头猛地一震,眼里竟涌起了泪水。参加工作多年,自以为老成了许多,自以为可以很好地控制自己的情绪,而今却也是如