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本期开学不久,学校党支部就提出“毕业生工作的中心问题是用全心全意为人民服务的思想去武装他们的头脑;使他们每个人懂得他们是为建设社会主义而学,毕业后的志愿应该服从社会主义事业的需要;班主任要一手抓思想,一手抓学习。半期多来,我们按照这个原则开展毕业班的工作。一、摸清思想底子,掌握思想变化的规律。开学第一阶段,学校的计划就确定摸清学生的思想情况,特别是对58年的大跃进成绩和59年社会主义建设的新形势的看法,以及对升学就业的思想动向。农忙假期间,我们布置班主任和下班的老师利用插田的机会与学生打成一片,深入摸清每个毕业生对毕 Shortly after the start of the current period, the school Party branch proposed that “the central issue of graduate work is to arm their minds with the ideology of serving the people wholeheartedly; so that each of them understands that they are learning to build socialism, and that their ambition after graduation should be Obeying the needs of the socialist cause, the head teacher must be ideological and hands-on learning, and over the past half a year, we have carried out the work of the graduating class according to this principle: I. Find out the ideological foundation and master the laws of ideological change. The plan will determine the student’s ideological situation, especially the views on the 58 years of the Great Leap Forward and the new situation of the socialist construction in the year 59, as well as the ideological trends in the career advancement. During the busy holidays, we arrange the head teacher and leave work. The teacher used the opportunity of inserting fields to get into a piece with the students and find out each graduate
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庐江县教育局今年暑期在庐江师范学校举办了第一期初中政治教师培训班。参加学习的六十六名学员,大都是公社一级的农村中学和小学附设初中班的政治教 The Minjiang County B
坐落在从化市温泉景区内的广东温泉宾馆,环境优雅,苍松参天,流水潺潺。宾馆的翠溪区由大小4幢别墅组成。周恩来总理 Located in Conghua Hot Springs area of ​​Guangdong