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  The chatter of the online gaming community has become part of popular Chinese culture
  hina is already one of the world’s largest and most rapidly growing online gaming markets. According to Statista, a market research and business intelligence portal, the country’s online gaming sector was worth 216 billion RMB in 2017 and is estimated to reach 324 billion RMB by 2020.
  Whether PC or mobile games, people are increasingly turning on fantasy role-playing hits such as Honor of Kings or South Korea’s gory “battle royale” phenomenon Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, currently known as the “world’s hottest video game” (the latter has also been given a “socialist makeover” in China, AP reported).
  In the process, many gaming terms and jargon have begun to embed themselves into Chinese popular culture and language (much like “Easter egg,” “pwn,” “noob,” “frag,” and other terms have in English). For example, during this year’s Black Friday, phrases like the following were repeated ad nauseum on online banner ads:
  Black Friday promotion: all products seckilling for 50 percent off!
  H8iw^ c&xi`o: Su6y6u sh`ngp@n w^ zh9 mi2osh`!
  The word “秒杀 (mi2osh`, second kill) is a common term in online gaming, meaning “to kill an enemy in a very short time.” In this context, it’s intended to stimulate the consumer to “click” or buy quickly, lest the discounted goods sell out. But miaosha can also be used to mean “outclass” in different areas. For example, when reviewing a film, one can comment on the actors’ performance by saying:
  That veteran actor totally ‘seckilled’ those ‘little fresh meat’ [young, handsome idols].
  Zh- w-i l2ox#g^ w1nqu1n mi2osh` n3xi8 xi2oxi`nr7u.
  A similar phrase is 碾压 (ni2ny`), literally meaning to “roll over.” In World of Warcraft, if an enemy monster is three or more levels higher than the player, the damage it wreaks will increase by 50 percent. Such an overwhelming advantage means it’s easy for high-level characters to kill low-level ones, or “steamroll” them. In daily conversation, nianya thus refers to a wide gap in performance, ability, or talent.
  Since I entered this top university, I feel my intelligence has been steamrolled by my classmates everywhere.
  Z#c5ng w6 j#n le zh- su6 d@ngj! d3xu9, ji& g2nju9 zh#sh`ng ch&ch& b-i t5ngxu9 ni2ny`.
  自從我进了这所顶级大学,就感觉智商处处被同学碾压。   In online gaming, miaosha and nianya often happen in the process of “PK.” Short for “player killing,” PK refers to the act of two or more players fighting against each other (“PvP” in English gaming slang). But it has been used so widely that these origins have been largely forgotten. In 2004, the hit American Idol-style singing contest Super Girls had a weekly knockout round, in which the two weakest contestants would face off in front of the judges and audience in a round named “PK.” Almost overnight, the term went viral, and individuals and even mainstream media began using it as a general expression for “compete with” or “fight against.”
  In order to win this election, you need to PK against two other candidates.
  Y3o xi2ng y!ngd9 zh- c# xu2nj^, n@ b#x$ h9 q!t` li2ng w-i h7uxu2nr9n j#nx!ng PK.
  要想贏得这次选举, 你必须和其他两位候选人进行PK。
  In multiplayer gaming, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. It’s human nature for those defeated to shift blame. Teammates are always the first to take the brunt, known as 猪队友 (zh$du#y6u, pig teammate), especially anyone whose performance dragged down the whole team. A “pig” is stupid, inefficient, and useless. In the real world, when one’s progress is seriously hindered by a coworker or partner, they may lament:
  It’s not a godlike opponent I’m afraid of, but a pig-like teammate.
  B% p3 sh9n y!y3ng de du#sh6u, ji& p3 zh$ y!y3ng de du@y6u.
  But when you are the pig, you can’t shift the blame onto your teammates any more. In which case, the strength of one’s rivals serves as another excuse—you can’t compete against their 神操作 (sh9nc`ozu7), literally, “godlike move.” In daily conversation, though, this phrase doesn’t always indicate admiration but instead refers to unreasonable or ridiculous behavior. For example:
  This firm declined my job application just because I am a Virgo. What a godlike move!
  Zh- ji` g4ngs~ j&ju9 le w6 de qi%zh! sh8nq@ng, ji& y~nw-i w6 sh# ch^n)zu7. Zh8nshi sh9nc`ozu7!
  Not everyone has the grace to admire their rivals. Some accuse their opponents of cheating. In Chinese, using “cheats” (mods or codes used to illicitly boost your own powers) is called 开挂 (k`igu3), with 挂 (gu3) meaning “cheating programs.” Such an accusation can serve as a compliment in real life. For example, when people saw Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt break the 100-meters world record, many applauded, while some wondered:
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