Determination of Polysaccharide Contents in the Different Base Resources of RADIX CURCUMAE

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leon7352
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[Objective] To study the polysaccharide contents in different base recourses of RADIX CURCUMAE,and to provide references for the quality control of RADIX CURCUMAE.[Method] The crude polysaccharide was extracted by hot water extraction;after using the spectrophotometry and phenol-sulfuric method,the contents of total sugar,reducing sugar and polysaccharide in the purified polysaccharide were detected at 489 nm.[Result] Polysaccharide content varied in different base recourses of RADIX CURCUMAE.Among the 3 different base resources of RADIX CURCUMAE,Curcuma phaeocau lis Val.had the maximum polysaccharide content (25.775%),followed with Curcuma kwangsiensis S.G.Lee et C.F.Liang (3.955%);and Curcuma longa L.had the minimum polysaccharide content (2.695%).[Conclusion] This method was simple and stable and could be used for the content determination of polysaccharide in RADIX CURCUMAE. [Objective] To study the polysaccharide contents in different base recourses of RADIX CURCUMAE, and to provide references for the quality control of RADIX CURCUMAE. [Method] The crude polysaccharide was extracted by hot water extraction; after using the spectrophotometry and phenol-sulfuric method , the contents of total sugar, reducing sugar and polysaccharide in the purified polysaccharide were detected at 489 nm. [Result] Polysaccharide content varied in different base recourses of RADIX CURCUMAE. Among the 3 different base resources of RADIX CURCUMAE, Curcuma phaeocau lis Val. had the maximum polysaccharide content (25.775%) followed by Curcuma kwangsiensis SGLee et CFLiang (3.955%); and Curcuma longa L. had the minimum polysaccharide content (2.695%). [Conclusion] This method was simple and stable and could be used for the content determination of polysaccharide in RADIX CURCUMAE.
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