围绕“四建”打基础 不断开创新局面

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郑州市教科文卫体工会按照“打基础、搭平台、强引领、重实效”的基本思路,坚持以建组织、建机制、建品牌、建阵地为抓手,不断开创教科文卫体工会工作新局面。建组织,固本强基。1.新建工会4家,基层工会组织达到184家。组织指导全系统63家基层工会进行换届选举和法人资格证办理登记,在50人以上的单位建立人事劳动争议调解委员会、劳动法律监督委员会和劳动保护监督检查委员会。2.两个系统配备工会主席79人,教育系统工会主席配备专职率100%,卫生系统达到74%以上。3.围绕“爱岗位、强素质、正作风、做表率”要求,每年都要组织开展干部培训,去年还开展了“千人百题”基层工会干部应知应会业务知识答题。建机制,重在落实。1.建立工作创新机制。制定《创新特色工作实施办法》、《开展基层工会规范化建设年活动实施意见》,积极开展工会工作标准化建设。2.建立 In accordance with the basic idea of ​​“laying the foundation, taking the platform, leading the way and relying on the actual results”, Zhengzhou City Culture, Sports, and Fitness Federation adheres to the principle of building organizations and building mechanisms, Trade Union work a new situation. Building organizations, strong base. 1. 4 new trade unions, grass-roots trade unions reached 184 organizations. Organize and guide the system-wide 63 grassroots trade unions to elect general election and registration of legal person qualification certificates, and set up personnel labor dispute mediation committees, labor law supervision committees and labor protection supervision and inspection committees in units of over 50 persons. 2. The two systems are equipped with 79 union chairpersons, the chairman of the education system union is equipped with full-time rate of 100% and the health system reaches more than 74%. 3. We should organize cadre training each year around the requirements of “love post, strong quality, work style, and exemplary”. Last year we also conducted “one hundred thousand questions”, and cadres of grass-roots trade unions should answer the questions on business knowledge . Construction mechanism, focusing on the implementation. 1. Establish a work innovation mechanism. Formulate Measures for the Implementation of Innovative Characteristics Work and Implementation Opinions on the Year of Standardization Construction of Grassroots Trade Unions, and actively carry out standardization of trade union work. Build
青山县政府要在全县范围内公开招考1名城区学校的副校长。消息传到了地处乡村的石头中学,就像是平静的水中投入了一块大石头,立即掀起了波涛。很多人跃跃欲试。 Aoyama Coun