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目的:对海漆药材进行生药鉴别研究,为更好地开发、应用药材奠定基础。方法:采用性状鉴别、显微鉴别、理化鉴别方法对海漆进行研究。结果:海漆根质地较松软;茎有细小圆形皮孔或枝痕;叶基部有两个腺体。根皮层近木栓层处有较多乳汁管,成环状;茎皮层散有较多乳汁管;叶主脉维管束外韧型,维管束周围散有乳汁管;叶上表面细胞垂周壁波状且连珠状增厚,无气孔;下表面细胞垂周壁波状或深波状,且连珠状增厚,气孔密集,多为不定式。粉末中可见晶鞘纤维、不分支乳汁管等。薄层色谱:本品石油醚萃取液以石油醚-乙酸乙酯(3∶1)为展开剂,有6个斑点,本品乙酸乙酯萃取液以氯仿-丙酮(5∶2)为展开剂,有4个斑点。紫外吸收光特征:海漆粉末的蒸馏水、95%乙醇、石油醚、氯仿提取液分别在273、274、270、278 nm处有最大吸收。结论:上述特征可作为海漆药材鉴定的鉴别依据。 OBJECTIVE: To study the crude drug identification of sea lacquer herbs and lay the foundation for better development and application of medicinal herbs. Methods: The characteristics of traits, microscopic identification, physical and chemical identification method of sea paint research. Results: The sea lacquer texture is more soft; stems have small round leather holes or branches; leaf base has two glands. The root cortex near the cork layer more latex tube, into a ring; stem cortex dispersed more latex tube; leaf main vein vascular bundle toughness, vascular bundle scattered around the latex tube; And even beaded thickened, no pores; the lower surface of the cell wall corrugated or deep wavy, and even thickening of the beaded, stomatal dense, mostly infinitive. Crystalline sheath fibers can be seen in the powder, not branch latex tube. TLC: petroleum ether extract of this product to petroleum ether - ethyl acetate (3: 1) as developing solvent, there are 6 spots, the product of ethyl acetate extract with chloroform - acetone (5: 2) as the developing agent There are 4 spots. Ultraviolet light absorption characteristics: sea water powder distilled water, 95% ethanol, petroleum ether, chloroform extract maximum absorption at 273,274,270,278 nm. Conclusion: The above characteristics can be used as identification of sea lacquer medicine identification.
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