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办报有办报的苦乐和荣辱。报纸天天说话,天天向成千上万的读者说话。报人的苦乐和荣辱,同说什么样的话有关系。报人是用自己的笔说老百姓的话,说老百姓心中想说的话,说老百姓想说而又难说的话。这一点,看起来简单,做起来难度大。马寅初深知此中甘苦。他说:“言人之欲言,就不太容易了;言人之不能言,就更难。”正因为不太容易,正因为难,一旦说出来,往往惊心动魄。一字千金。正因为不太容易,正因为难,一旦说出来,往往有祸患及身。纵有祸患及身,但抚躬自问,心地坦然,无愧于中。所以说,报人之乐莫过于说真话,报人之荣莫过于说真话。报人之辱莫过于说假话,报人之苦莫过于真话应说而不能说,假话不愿说而又不得不说。袁世凯称帝前夕,逼迫当时名记者黄远庸写劝进文章。黄远庸不愿写,又不敢拒绝。于是写了一篇似嘲似讽、依违两 Office newspaper reported the bitter and honor and honor. The newspaper speaks everyday and speaks to thousands of readers every day. The bitterness and honor of the informants have anything to do with what they say. The informants use the words of their own people to speak up and say what they want to say in the heart of their people and say what the people want to say but they are hard to say. This point, it looks simple, difficult to do. Ma Yinchu know that this bitter. He said: “It is not easy to speak the words of the people, and it is even harder to speak things that can not be said.” Because it is not easy, it is often because of the difficulties that when it comes out, it is often thrilling. The word daughter. Precisely because it is not easy, it is because of the difficulty that, once spoken out, there are often scourges and bodies. Despite the scourge and body, but bow to ask, honestly, worthy of. So, the pleasure of the newspaperman is to tell the truth, the honor of the newspaperman is to tell the truth. Reporter’s disgrace is too much to tell the truth, the reporter’s misery than the truth should be said and can not say, lie do not want to say but have to say. Yuan Shih-kai proclaimed himself the eve of the emperor, forcing the famous reporter Huang Yuan-yong to persuade into the article. Huang Yuan Yong do not want to write, but also afraid to refuse. So I wrote an article like ridicule satire, according to illegal two
试验于2013-2014年在山东农业大学农学实验站水分池(3 m×3 m)内进行,以济麦22为供试品种,基本苗数为200×104 ha-1,设置3种种植模式:单-单(SS,行距20 cm)、单-双(SD,总行距20 cm,双行苗带的行距为5 cm)、双-双(DD,总行距20 cm,双行苗带的行距为5 cm,双行总播种量等于单行),3种灌溉处理:生育期灌溉量分别为0、90和180 mm,灌溉时期分别
This systematic study of disaster risk and dis-aster management efforts in Brunei Darussalam uncovers the reasons why floods and landslides in particular contin
1 前言植物细菌性青枯病(Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F.Smith)是一种重大的细菌性病害,在我国每年都可以造成很大损失。长期以来对此病害缺乏有效的防治办法,其原因之一是
3D city models associate a database of a city to a rigorous geospatial representation that is close to the visible reality by combining appearance,geometry,and