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党的十四届五中全会通过的《建议》,提出实现“九五”和2010年的奋斗目标,关键是实行两个具有全局意义的根本性转变。一是经济体制的转变,从计划经济到市场经济,大家已经熟知,问题在于实践;二是经济增长方式的转变,从粗放型到集约型,对这还有人感到陌生,亟待宣传研究。 转变开放增长方式是转变经济增长方式的组成部分 发展与开放都有不同的增长方式,相互依存,相互促进。经济增长方式或称经济发展方式,包括经济发展的手段与目标的统一,体现为发展战略的基本思路和实现途径,分为粗放型和集约型。整个经济增长方式的选择决定着对外开放的增长方式,因为开放以整个经济为依托,并为整个经济的发展服务;同时,开放采取什么增长方式,对整个经济的增长方式也有越来越大的影响,特别是对外经济贸易量在国民生产总值中所占比重越来越大的今天。 长期以来,我国的经济增长方式虽然有所转变,但从总体上看,基本上还属于粗放型增长。这表现在:主要依靠大量投入,投资增长率始终高于经济增长率;速度很快而效率、效益相对较低,两者之间有明显反差;由于创造的社会财富较多地 The “Proposal” passed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party put forward the goal of achieving the goal of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and 2010. The key is to implement two fundamental changes with global significance. The first is the transformation of the economic system. From the planned economy to the market economy, we all know that the problem lies in practice. Second, the transformation of the mode of economic growth, from extensiveness to intensiveness, is unfamiliar to others. It is urgent to publicize the study. Changing the mode of opening up growth is an integral part of transforming the mode of economic growth. Both development and opening up have different modes of growth, which are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The mode of economic growth, or the mode of economic development, including the unification of means and objectives of economic development, is embodied in the basic ideas and ways of realizing development strategies, and is divided into extensive and intensive ones. The choice of the mode of economic growth will determine the mode of growth of opening up to the outside world because opening up depends on the entire economy and serving the development of the entire economy. At the same time, what kind of mode of growth is adopted for opening up is also increasing in the way the entire economy grows Influence, especially the proportion of foreign economic and trade in the gross national product is more and more big today. For a long time, although the mode of economic growth in our country has been changed, overall, it basically belongs to the extensive growth. This is manifested in the fact that the investment mainly depends on a large amount of investment, and the investment growth rate is always higher than the economic growth rate; the speed is very high, the efficiency is relatively low, and there is a clear contrast between the two. As more social wealth is created
目的 观察常规放疗加每周特素治疗局部晚期非小细胞肺癌的疗效及毒副作用.方法晚期非小细胞肺癌确诊患者随机分为两组.对照组20例为随机选择的同期单纯放疗患者,原发灶和纵隔淋巴引流区DT60Gy~65 Gy;研究组21例,放射治疗方法同对照组,化疗方法为特素40 mg/m2,溶于500mL 5%葡萄糖注射液中持续3 h静脉滴注,每周给药1次,共6周~7周.结果研究组客观有效率为66.7%,对照组有效率为