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自从恢复高考以来,特别是近几年来,每年的高考物理试卷中都有若干道直接或间接取材于课本的题目。在当前物理教学和考试制度改革、高考命题继续执行“稳中有降”原则的形势下,这类试题应引起我们的重视。 1 命题途径 1.1 以课本中关于定理、定律、公式的论证、推导为素材编拟试题。例如,1980年高考题:在薄透镜成象中,设u表示物距,v表示象距,f表示透镜的焦距,试证明薄透镜成象公式为:1/u+1/v=1/f(可只证明成实象的情况)。再根据上式找出象距v为负值的条件,并指出它跟象的 Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, especially in recent years, there have been a number of topics in textbooks that are directly or indirectly drawn from textbooks in the annual college entrance examination physics papers. In the current physics teaching and examination system reform, the college entrance examination proposition continues to implement the principle of “steady and fall”, these questions should arouse our attention. 1 The Propositional Approach 1.1 The argumentation and derivation of the theorem, the law, and the formula in the textbook are used to prepare the test questions. For example, the 1980 college entrance examination question: In thin lens imaging, let u be the object distance, v the image distance, f the focal length of the lens, and try to prove that the thin lens imaging formula is: 1/u+1/v=1/ f (can only prove to be real). Then find out the condition that the image distance v is negative according to the above formula, and point out that it is like the image
这是高中代数上册一道习题:在△ABC中,求证:tgA+tgB+tgC=tgAtgBtgC成立。不少文章介绍了它应用。本文再列举几例。例1 求证海伦公式 S△ABC=(p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c))~(1/2) 其中,
我们看下面的两个例题: 例1、两电阻R_1、R_2并联,若R_1=630欧,R_2=70欧,求总电阻。解:由1/R=1/R_1+1/R_2得 1/R=1/(630)+1/(70)=1/(63) ∴ R=63(欧) 例2、电阻R_1=200欧,R_
就乌鳢个体生殖力的变动及其与雌亲体若干形态学指标的关系进行了研究,同时还对乌鳢的产卵次数与各批生殖力进行了推估。 The changes of individual fecundity and their re
20 0 2年 5月 ,东风8BJ型交流传动内燃机车 ,在资阳内燃机车厂问世。其主要技术特点如下 :(1)这是我国首台具有自主知识产权的干线交流传动内燃机车 ,采用了株洲电力机车研究所
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
在我国很少报导的鲤鱼痘疮病(病毒性),1994年至1995年先后在青海省大通、西宁和平安等地区越冬池出现,造成大批量越冬鲤鱼种死亡,造成很大经济损失。 鲤鱼痘疮病是由一种疱