在“九五”计划及“2010年发展纲要” 中,天津市就滨海新区开发开放的目标模式基本达成了共识,即力争用10年左右的时间把滨海新区建成以天津港、开发区、保税区为骨架,以冶金化工为基础,商贸、金融竞相发展,形成一个以外向型经济为主导,以自由港区为发展方向,基础设施配套完善、功能齐全,面向21世纪的高度开放的国际化经济新区.但是,天津滨海地区面积多达2270平方公里,不可能同步发展,更不可能一步到位,实现预定目标.因此,如何选择启动模式就成为滨海新区开发开放必须首先要研究解决的问题.
In the “Ninth Five-Year” Plan and the “Outline for 2010”, Tianjin basically reached consensus on the target mode of Binhai New Area’s development and opening up. It strived to build Binhai New Area around 10 years with Tianjin Port, Development Zone, Free Trade Zone As the framework, based on metallurgy and chemical industry, commerce and finance compete with each other to form a highly internationalized new economic zone headed by an outward-oriented economy, a free port zone with perfect infrastructure facilities and complete functions and facing the 21st century However, with an area of 2,270 square kilometers in Tianjin’s coastal area, it is impossible to develop in a synchronized manner and it is even impossible to achieve its intended goal in one step.Therefore, how to choose a mode of starting up has become the first issue to be solved in the development and opening up of Binhai New Area.