An inspiring star——in Oliver Twist

来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tysystem
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In 1838,the second long novel of Charles Dickens Oliver Twist was published and this soul stirring story which delineates a valiant boy and his constant struggle with vicious powers eventually stood out and made a deep impression on many readers’ mind. Without too many sophisticate plots and flowery languages,this novel is proved to be one of the most successful books in English literature of 19th century. Especially in the aspect of revealing the reality,the realistic writer Dickens authentically presented a miniature of English society to readers. To make a relatively thorough and all-around analysis of this book,this essay will be developed into four parts:plot setting,characterization,writing features and theme. In 1838, the second long novel of Charles Dickens Oliver Twist was published and this soul stirring story which delineates a valiant boy and his constant struggle with vicious powers eventually been out and made a deep impression on many readers’ mind. Without too many sophisticate plots especially in the aspect of revealing the reality, the realistic writer Dickens authentically submitted a miniature of English society to readers. To make a comparison between readers and readers thorough and all-around analysis of this book, this essay will be developed into four parts: plot setting, characterization, writing features and theme.
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感恩,英文feel grateful,其实,每个人对于感恩的认识都是不一样的,不知接下来我用心记录的两件事情,是否能让大家有所触动,重新审视这世间的人和事,善待身边的一切。  初三的第二学期,中午放学的时候。大热天,知了拼了命地叫着,连“诱人”的树汁也堵不住它的嘴,解除不了它对这个世界的哀怨。就在这闷热的天气,远远地看见树荫下一个熟悉的身影,竟是陪伴我十几年的母亲。  当时,我站在距母亲大约三米的
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