
来源 :宁夏医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinouser
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张××,女,18岁,隆德县农民,住院号65603。1981年10月24日入院。主诉右眼球突出二年余,近数月逐渐加剧,眼略胀,否认有外伤史。体检及血、尿、便常规和胸透均未见异常。眼部检查:裸眼视力:右眼0.1,左眼1.2。眼球突出度:右眼21毫米,左眼13毫米。眼球无明显斜视,向各方运动自如。眶周围指诊,眶内上方似有增生组织,伴有轻微压痛。瞳孔双眼等大等园,对光反射良好。眼底除右眼乳头边界稍有模糊、黄斑较暗外,余均属正常范周内。眼压(修氏 Zhang × ×, female, 18 years old, Lund County farmer, hospital number 65603. On October 24, 1981 admission. The main complaint of the right eye prominent more than two years, gradually increased in recent months, eyes bulging, denied a history of trauma. Physical examination and blood, urine, routine and chest were seen no abnormalities. Eye examination: uncorrected visual acuity: right eye 0.1, left eye 1.2. Eyeball protrusion: right eye 21 mm, left eye 13 mm. There is no obvious strabismus in the eyeball, and it is easy to move towards all parties. Orbital peripheral fingerprinting, hyperplasia above the orbital tissue, with slight tenderness. Pupils and other large garden, light reflection good. In addition to the fundus of the nipple border slightly blurred, macular darker, I are within the normal range of the week. Intraocular pressure (Xiu’s
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Department of Agriculture and Food Standards of SAC held the Symposium on Agricultural Comprehensive Standardization Demonstration in Beijing from June 11 t0 13
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