Consensus seeking in multiagent cooperative control systems with bounded control input

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:han8349
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Consensus algorithms in multiagent cooperative control systems with bounded control input are studied in this paper.Consensus algorithms are considered for the single-integrator dynamics and double-integrator dynamics under different communication interaction topologies,and show that consensus is reached asymptotically using the algorithm proposed in this paper for the single-integrator dynamics if the undirected interaction graph is connected,and consensus is reached asymptotically if the directed interaction graph is strongly connected,respectively.In addition,the paper further shows that consensus is reached asymptotically using the algorithm proposed for the double-integrator dynamics if the directed interaction graph is strongly connected.The effectiveness of these algorithms is demonstrated through simulations. Consensus algorithms in multiagent cooperative control systems with bounded control input are studied in this paper. Consensus algorithms are considered for the single-integrator dynamics and double-integrator dynamics under different communication interaction topologies, and show that consensus is reached asymptotically using the algorithm proposed in this paper for the single-integrator dynamics if the undirected interaction graph is connected, and consensus is reached asymptotically if the directed interaction graph is strongly connected, respectively. In addition, the paper further shows that consensus is reached asymptotically using the algorithm proposed for the double-integrator dynamics if the directed interaction graph is strongly connected. The effectiveness of these algorithms is demonstrated through simulations.
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