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《矿产资源法》于1986年制定实施,1996年进行了修改。《矿产资源法》及其配套规定的实施,对我国矿产资源的开发利用与保护起到了十分重要的作用,影响巨大。从1996年修改《矿产资源法》到现在的10多年时间里,我国经济发生了巨大变化,在矿产勘查开发过程中出现了一系列新问题,特别是在资源富集省区,问题更加突出。面对新的形式和问题,当前的《矿产资源法》已显现出不适应发展需要的态势。2006年,在纪念《矿产资源法》颁布实施20周年座谈会上,全国人大常委会副委员长司马义·艾买提认为,加快《矿产资源法》的修改与完善势在必行。应当将该法修改成一部有利于促进地质勘查与矿产资源规范化开采和科学化、制度化管理,能保障我国经济社会和矿业可持续发展的法律。中国政法大学教授李显东认为,现行的(《矿产资源法》重视矿产资源的资源性却忽视了其财产性;在突出矿业权的私权性和对矿业叔人的利益进行保护等方面仍然存在缺陷。2007年,受中国法学会的委托,中国政法大学法治政府研究院承担了“国务院五年立法规划(2008年~2012年)研究课题”。该课题组对未来五年期间(2008年~2012年)国家法律和行政法规制定和修改的项目安排及理由进行研究,为国务院制定年度立法计划提供决策依据。为了更好地完成课题研究,课题组在中国网上向全社会各界人士广泛征求意见。借此契机,李显冬教授向课题组提交了“中国矿业法修订”研究课题建议书,从现行矿业立法修改的必要性与可行性分析、“中国矿业法修改”课题的设想等几个方面详细的进行了阐述。 The Mineral Resources Law was enacted in 1986 and revised in 1996. The implementation of the Mineral Resources Law and its supporting regulations has played a very important role in the development, utilization and protection of mineral resources in our country and has a tremendous impact. From the 1996 revision of the Mineral Resources Law to the present 10 years, great changes have taken place in our economy. A series of new problems have emerged in the process of mineral exploration and development. Especially in the resource-rich provinces and autonomous regions, the issue has become even more prominent. In the face of new forms and problems, the current “Mineral Resources Law” has shown a tendency to not meet the needs of development. In 2006, at the symposium commemorating the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the “Mineral Resources Law,” Vice-Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Ismail Amat held that it is imperative to speed up the revision and improvement of the Mineral Resources Law. The law should be amended to a law conducive to the promotion of geological prospecting and mineral resources, standardized mining, scientific and systematic management, and the sustainable development of our economy, society and mining. LI Xian-dong, professor of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that the current (Mineral Resources Law emphasizes the resource nature of mineral resources but neglects its property; it still lacks defects in highlighting the private rights of mining rights and the protection of the interests of tertiary industry) In 2007, commissioned by the Law Society of China, the Institute of Rule of Law, China University of Political Science and Law assumed the research subject of “Five-year Legislative Planning of the State Council from 2008 to 2012.” The research group conducted a survey on the future five-year period ~ 2012) to study the arrangements and reasons for the formulation and revision of national laws and administrative regulations, and to provide decision-making basis for the formulation of the annual legislative plan by the State Council. In order to complete the research of the project better, the research group solicited extensively from all walks of life in China online With this opportunity, Prof. Xianming Li submitted to the research group the Proposal on the Revising of the Chinese Mining Law, the necessity and feasibility of the revision of the current mining legislation and the concept of “Revising the Chinese Mining Law” And so on several aspects described in detail.
目的 了解某高校医学生身心健康状况。方法 以班级为单位,采用整群随机抽样的方法,利用中国身心健康量表(CPSHS),对某高校医学生428例进行问卷调查。结果身心健康障碍发生率为29.21