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解放战争时期,在热辽一带曾发生过一起令人难以置信的奇闻,但确实是一个真实的故事:建东县(今属建昌县)担架团长于佐军同志在数百强敌之中,只身生擒敌副师长——吴椿今.1 1947年7月以后,全国解放战争进入大反攻阶段.革命老区建昌,早在1946年10月就已全境解放,在十八地委直接领导下,全县人民为了保卫革命胜利果实,掀起了“参军参战,支援前线” 的热潮.建东县组织的首批随军担架团,共4000余人,以区为单位分六个营,配有担架600付、步枪28支、手枪5支.团长由县武委会作战股长于佐军兼任,营长由区干部兼任.该团为了配合我军四野的八纵、九纵解放热东重镇朝阳县城,于同年10月18日,从建东县城药王庙出发,经六家子、羊山,于10月22日午后到朝阳、锦州、义县交界处的松岭门宿营,团部设在张鹤田家.2 1947年10月23日凌晨,我军对朝阳守敌发起猛攻.刚刚黎明,敌骑兵师共千余骑,在副师长吴椿令带领下,凭借身下坐骑行动迅速的特点,最先败阵北逃.此敌在北山河湾处被我军堵击,死伤百余人.多数绕经北票巴图营子、孤山子,于夜间11时许窜至朝阳县松岭门.已成惊弓之鸟的敌军,唯恐再陷入我军埋伏,首先向村中打枪,掷手榴弹,以火力侦察后才敢进村.初在屯中关帝庙西集合清点人数后,由副师长吴椿令带领10余名随从去村东南 During the war of liberation, there had been an incredible anecdote in the area of ​​Rehe and Liao, but indeed it was a true story: Comrade Yu Zujun, a stretcher leader of Jian Dong County (now Jianchang County), was among hundreds of powerful enemies Wu Chun-jen .1 After July 1947, the National Liberation War entered the stage of a large counter-offensive. The old revolutionary base area of ​​Jianchang was liberated throughout the territory as early as October 1946 and was under the direct leadership of the 18th CPC Committee In order to defend the fruits of the victory of the revolution, the people of the county set off a craze of “joining the army to fight the war and supporting the front line.” The first group of stretcher stretches organized by the county built a total of 4,000 people, divided into six battalions by district and equipped with stretchers 600 Pay, 28 rifles, pistol 5. Head by the county military operations chief Yu Zu Jun, battalion commander concurrently by the district cadres of the regiment in order to cooperate with our army four wild eight vertical, nine vertical liberation of the town of Chaoyang East County On the 18th of October of the same year, starting from the Yaowang Temple in Jiandong County, Liujiazi and Yangshan went to Songlingmen Camp at the junction of Chaoyang, Jinzhou and Yixian on the afternoon of October 22, Zhang Hetian’s home.2 In the early hours of October 23, 1947, our army launched a storming attack on the rival Chaoyang. A total of more than a thousand cavalry ride, under the leadership of deputy commander Wu Chun order, by virtue of the rapid movement of the body under the mounts, the first defeat North fled .This enemy was Beishanwanwan by the army blocking, the casualties of more than 100 people. Beipiao battalion Yingzi and Gushanzi flew to Songling Gate of Chaoyang County at 11 o’clock in the evening and became the enemy of the frightened bird in fear of being trapped in our army for an ambush by firing guns and throwing hand grenades at the village and reconnaissance after fire Dare to enter the village.At first in Tuen Mun Kwan Tai Temple collection of Western count, the deputy commander Wu Chun order led more than 10 followers to the village southeast
本刊讯英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry,简称RSC)是一个国际权威学术机构,目前是欧洲最大的化学学术团体.该协会成立于1841年,由约4.5万名化学研究人员、教师、
本文通过采用灰色系统理论的关联度及模糊数学的相关度来研究焊缝金属的断裂性能。 在本试验条件下,试验结果表明:两种方法都能用于焊缝金属断裂性能的综合评定,面且对计算断
目的建立高效毛细管电泳法(HPCE)同时测定不同批次玄参中梓醇、桃叶珊瑚苷、哈巴苷、哈巴俄苷、毛蕊花糖苷和肉桂酸含量的方法。方法以60 mmol.L-1硼砂缓冲液(pH 9.3)为电泳
结核病流行已有数千年历史 ,它对人类危害严重。尤其在人群高度集中的大、中、小学校 ,更易造成本病的传播与流行。为了解学生结核免疫水平和卡介苗的保护效果。现将太原理工