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目前,微量元素研究日益受到医学界的重视,大置研究表明,很多疾病发生与微量元素失调有关。关于微量铬在人体代谢中的重要作用已有论述。临床研究证明,铬与糖代谢有密切关系,即糖尿病也可因缺铬引起;铬还与脂肪、胆固醇代谢有关,缺铬会出现动脉粥状硬化的病变;而且铬对血红蛋白合成及造血过程有良好促进作用;最近又有人提出近视眼可能与缺铬有关。鉴于铬在人体代谢中的重要作用,而人体中铬含量极微,寻找一种快速、灵敏、准确测定微量铬的方法是很必要的。近年来,用原子吸收光谱法测定生物样品中铬,国外工作有:电热原子吸收法测人奶、血清、尿中铬;塞曼原子吸收法测全血中铬;血、尿、细胞组织中测定铬工作总结。国内工作有:无焰原子吸收 At present, the research of trace elements has been paid more and more attention by the medical community. The study of Daiji indicates that many diseases are related to the imbalance of trace elements. The important role of trace chromium in human metabolism has been discussed. Clinical studies have shown that chromium is closely related to glucose metabolism, that is, diabetes can also be caused by lack of chromium; chromium is also related to fat and cholesterol metabolism, chrome deficiency will occur atherosclerosis lesions; and chromium on hemoglobin synthesis and hematopoietic process A good role in promoting; recently suggested that myopia may be related to chromium deficiency. In view of the important role of chromium in human metabolism and the extremely low chromium content in human body, it is necessary to find a rapid, sensitive and accurate method for the determination of trace chromium. In recent years, the determination of chromium in biological samples by atomic absorption spectrometry, foreign work are: electrothermal atomic absorption method to measure milk, serum, urine chromium; Determination of chromium in whole blood by Zeeman atomic absorption; blood, urine, cell tissue Determination of chromium work summary. Domestic work: flameless atomic absorption
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2012年3月的一天,卡里像往常那样早早起床,身为一名清洁工,他对英国伦敦唐宁街的一草一木都那样熟悉,因为他已经在这条街上整整工作了30年,他每天早出晚归,对工作兢兢业业,而今天这个普普通通的日子,对卡里来说却很特殊,因为已经年满60岁的他,明天就要正式办理退休手续了。  卡里像往常一样来到唐宁街,当他将回收垃圾车开到首相卡梅伦的公寓前,动手开始清扫垃圾时,忽然发现有些不对劲,摆在面前的,分明是一