襄阳区人武部 为群众解决最难办的事

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湖北省襄樊市襄阳区人武部认真实践“三个代表”重要思想,情为民所系,利为民所谋,实事求是,真心真意为贫困群众办实事,帮助贫困群众脱贫致富。 在帮扶对象上,他们选择襄阳区最贫困、最难帮的村钟山镇柳湾村。进村入户与村民座谈,找准制约该村经济发展的原因:没路——村民难走出,农产品难运出,投资者难进来;缺水—— The Xiangwu District People’s Military Department of Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, conscientiously implemented the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ took the people as its responsibility, sought the truth for the people, sought truth from facts, and sincerely wanted to do practical work for the poor people and help the poor people to get out of poverty. In helping the target, they choose the poorest and most difficult village of Zhongliu Town in Xiangyang District. Village households and villagers informal discussion, identify the reasons restricting the economic development of the village: no way - the villagers difficult to come out, difficult to transport agricultural products, investors are hard to come in; water shortage -
我开始引起注意,不是因为我的日语能力如何出众,而是我碰上了两次偶然的机会  1954年7月,我从上海华东师范大学附中毕业,被保送到北京大学东方语言文学系。其实我上高中时并不喜欢外文,但因为是组织推荐,就接受了。  当时北大东语系下设日本语、蒙古语、越南语、朝鲜语、印地语、乌尔都语、印尼语、缅甸语和阿拉伯语9个专业。申报志愿时,我填报了印地语。  就在开始上课的前一天晚上,系党总支书记和副书记找我谈
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