A fully-differential phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer for 60-GHz wireless communication

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newboard
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A 40-GHz phase-locked loop(PLL) frequency synthesizer for 60-GHz wireless communication applications is presented. The electrical characteristics of the passive components in the VCO and LO buffers are accurately extracted with an electromagnetic simulator HFSS. A differential tuning technique is utilized in the voltage controlled oscillator(VCO) to achieve higher common-mode noise rejection and better phase noise performance. The VCO and the divider chain are powered by a 1.0 V supply while the phase-frequency detector(PFD)and the charge pump(CP) are powered by a 2.5 V supply to improve the linearity. The measurement results show that the total frequency locking range of the frequency synthesizer is from 37 to 41 GHz, and the phase noise from a 40 GHz carrier is –97.2 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset. Implemented in 65 nm CMOS, the synthesizer consumes a DC power of 62 m W, including all the buffers. A 40-GHz phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for 60-GHz wireless communication applications is presented. The electrical characteristics of the passive components in the VCO and LO buffers are specifically extracted with an electromagnetic simulator HFSS. A differential tuning technique is utilized in the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) to achieve higher common-mode noise rejection and better phase noise performance. The VCO and the divider chain are powered by a 1.0 V supply while the phase-frequency detector (PFD) and the charge pump CP) are powered by a 2.5 V supply to improve the linearity. The measurement results show that the total frequency locking range of the frequency synthesizer is from 37 to 41 GHz, and the phase noise from a 40 GHz carrier is -97.2 dBc / Hz at 1 MHz offset. Implemented in 65 nm CMOS, the synthesizer consumes a DC power of 62 mW, including all the buffers.
目的:探讨颞骨骨缝发育规律的HRCT表现。 材料和方法:选择颞骨发育正常者518人(1036耳),男性289人,女性229人,年龄3天~89岁,分为11个年龄组。采用螺旋CT扫描,5岁以下者行MPR和三维
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[前言]:本研究在试验中发现并经多次实验证明BM-cyclinl具有良好的多药耐药逆转活性。BM-Cyclinl是一种抗支原体的药物。BM-Cyclinl,大环内酯硫姆林(macrolide tiamulin),它是短
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本文分为二部分: 第一部分 邯郸地区房角关闭患者的房角形态分析 目的:对邯郸地区UBM检查发现的房角关闭患者的房角构型进行分析,了解各种机制所占的比率。 材料与方