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  Never Better
  Phoebe: Honey, I’ve got a confession to make.
  Kurt: Well, I’m not an 1)ordained priest or minister or whatever, and having something to confess probably means you were hiding something from me in the first place. ①But I am glad you’re ready to come clean, so let’s have it.
  Phoebe: The fact is…I’ve never felt better?!
  Kurt: Umm…I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure that feeling good is not something you’re supposed to feel bad about.
  Phoebe: But you don’t understand; feeling good is making me feel guiltier than ever.
  Kurt: Why, because of all the people in poverty around the globe? It’s true, we do live rich, comfortable lives with only first-world problems to deal with, like which 2)tile to choose for the master bathroom or how much to 3)tip the pool guy for Christmas.

  Phoebe: Hey, choosing the wrong tile can ruin the whole 4)aura of your home.
  Kurt: Sorry, I wasn’t aware homes could have auras. I guess I need to brush up on my new-age 5)vernacular.
  Phoebe: ②Anyway, the guilt I feel stems from knowing the source of my happiness, and not wanting it to be true.
  Kurt: Well, spit it out already!
  Phoebe: I’m so happy because having an empty nest has been such a relief! No yelling, no 6)whining, no teenage 7)mood swings, no 8)kvetching, just pure, 9)unadulterated peace and 10)tranquility. And I love it!
  Kurt: I know! I have been having the time of my life. ③I thought I would miss him like the dickens, but it feels like a weight has been lifted ever since we shipped him off to boarding school.
  Phoebe: But am I a terrible mother for sending my little boy away?
  Kurt: On the contrary, you are a responsible parent who is looking after the well-being of her child. We recognized our son’s educational needs and did what had to be done. Who could have guessed that him being gone would be the best thing for everyone?
  Phoebe: I believe it was me who made that exact argument when the topic of boarding school first came up for discussion.
  Kurt: Exactly. So now he’s getting the proper learning environment he needs to grow and fulfill his potential, and we may be starting to realize that we have needs of our own, needs that weren’t being met cuz we didn’t have the time.
  Phoebe: Yeah. I get my quiet time, you get your sports, and, if I’m not mistaken, we’re both looking a bit 11)svelte these days. Am I right?

  Kurt: We are looking and feeling better than ever. And you, my dear, have nothing to feel guilty about.
  Phoebe: That is, until he comes back for winter break and sees that his old bedroom is our new exercise room…
   Smart Sentences
  ① But I am glad you’re ready to come clean, so let’s have it.
  come clean: admit or tell people about sth. that’s been kept secret(承认或告诉他人保守已久的秘密)。例如:
  Just when Adam was about to come clean about what really happened in the meeting, he died in a strange car accident.
  ② Anyway, the guilt I feel stems from knowing the source of my happiness, and not wanting it to be true.
  stem from: have or take origin from sth.(起源于,由……发生)。例如:
  While New Year’s Day is a relatively recent phenomenon in China, the lunar New Year celebration stems from custom in the past.

  ③ I thought I would miss him like the dickens, but it feels like a weight has been lifted ever since we shipped him off to boarding school.
  like the dickens: really, seriously(真是,实在是)。例如:
  An internship at a respectable company, straight A academic record, and a supportive girlfriend. Man, I envy you like the dickens.

摘 要:笔者在教学过程中发现,运用“过程写作法”可以有效提高学生英语写作的技巧。本文主要探究了“过程写作法”在高中英语写作教学中的具体应用步骤。  关键词:过程写作;高中英语;写作教学  高中英语写作是高中学生用英语思维去思考和表达的一种基本途径。写作能较为客观地反映出一个学生在英语语境下的思维方式、语言组织能力以及英语表达技能。但长期以来,英语作文一直是高中英语教学的一个薄弱环节,如何提高高中生
Abstract: The present paper discusses the English language teaching problems encountered recently in the colleges, especially in the less developed areas of China, and offers a solution on the basis o
摘 要:高考英语的高听力分值使其在高中英语教学中占重要地位,是什么影响了学生的高考英语听力成绩?根据本文分析,影响因素有:(1)心理因素;(2)语音、词汇、语法方面的局限;(3)听力考试技巧的不足。针对这些影响因素,笔者结合自身实践,提出如下教学策略:(1)在教学中加强学生听力心理的指导;(2)在教学中加强学生语感、语言技能的训练;(3)在教学中拓宽课外背景知识;(4)在平时训练中加强解题指导。 
摘 要:基于大数据时代的冲击,数字课堂技术愈来愈成熟,学习软件越来越丰富。基于课堂教学现状与学生成长,笔者进行了历时一学年的课堂实践与探索。借助新技术平台,融合传统课堂与数字课堂,为学生进行生长性主题教学拓展,给予学生更充裕的生长性空间,放飞学生的思维创新力与表达力,培养学生的合作探究能力与解决问题的策略意识。  关键词:大数据;小学英语;数字课堂;生长性;融合  1.顶层设计多维教学目标  《义
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