以种为本精心布局 科技创新促林木种业嬗变——《主要林木育种科技创新规划(2016-2025年)》

来源 :中南林业科技大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheayu123
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林以种为本。2013年,国务院办公厅印发(关于深化种业体制改革提高创新能力的意见》,明确提出要制定主要造林树种、珍贵树种等林木中长期育种计划,重点突破种质创新、新品种选育、高效繁育等关键环节的核心技术,提高种业科技创新能力。这份文件的出台,为我国林木种业和种业科技发展带来了历史性机遇。2014年开始,科技部和国家林业局结合当前国内外发展现状与趋势,以及我国林木育种的战略需求,集结国内顶尖的林木育种专家,组织编制了(主要林木育种科技创新规划(2016-2025年))。(规划)于今年正式印发,成为我国首部林木育种创新专项规划,绘制了未来 Lin species-oriented. In 2013, the State Council General Office promulgated the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Sity’s Seed Industry System to Enhance Innovation Capacity, and clearly proposed that a mid-term and long-term forest plan should be drawn up for the major afforestation species and precious tree species. The key breakthroughs should be made in germplasm innovation, selection of new breeds and high efficiency Breeding and other key aspects of the core technology to improve seed industry science and technology innovation capability.The introduction of this document for our forest seed industry and seed industry science and technology development has brought a historic opportunity.From 2014, the Ministry of Science and the State Forestry Administration in combination with the current Domestic and international development status and trends as well as the strategic needs of tree breeding in China, the country’s top experts in forest breeding, the organization of the preparation (the main forest breeding scientific and technological innovation planning (2016-2025)). (Planning) formally issued this year, becoming China’s first special plan for tree breeding innovation, draw the future
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