Endoscopic transpapillary gallbladder drainage with replacement of a covered self-expandable metal s

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Y644900
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Endoscopic self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) placement has become a standard palliative therapy for pa- tients with malignant biliary obstruction. Acute cholecystitis after SEMS placement is a serious complication. We report a patient with an acute cholecystitis after covered SEMS placement, who was managed successfully with endoscopic transpapillary gallbladder drainage (ETGBD) and replacement of the covered SEMS. An 85-year-old man with pancreatic cancer suffered from acute cholecystitis after covered SEMS placement. It was impossible to perform percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage. After removal of the covered SEMS with a snare, a 7Fr double pigtail stent was placed between the gallbladder and duodenum, subsequently followed by another covered SEMS insertion into the common bile duct beside the gallbladder stent. The cholecystitis improved immediately after ETGBD. ETGBD with replacement of the covered SEMS thus proved to be effective for treatment of patients with acute cholecystitis after covered SEMS placement. Endoscopic self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) placement has become a standard palliative therapy for pa- tients with malignant biliary obstruction. Acute cholecystitis after SEMS placement is a serious complication. We report a patient with an acute cholecystitis after covered SEMS placement, who was An effective 85-year-old man with pancreatic cancer suffering from acute cholecystitis after covered SEMS placement. It was impossible to perform percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage. After removal of the The covered SEMS with a snare, a 7Fr double pigtail stent was placed between the gallbladder and duodenum, followed followed by another covered SEMS insertion into the common bile duct beside the gallbladder stent. The cholecystitis improved immediately after ETGBD. ETGBD with replacement of the covered SEMS Therefore proved to be effective for treatment of patients with acute c Holecystitis after covered SEMS placement.
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