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“Global trade has been dominated by 60,000 large corporations in past decades,” remarked Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of e-commerce conglomerate Alibaba.“However, globalization should be made more inclusive, and we are now working to help 16 mi
The annual Central Economic Conference,a weathervane for China’s macro economy,set the tone for China’s economic development in 2019.I believe that the follow
As bilateral economic cooperation between China and Malaysia continuously expands alongside construction of the Belt and Road, concepts of common prosperity and
摘 要:针对成品油价格与税费改革的新形势,本文对目前运管机构职能存在的突出问题进行了分析,并提出了职能调整的思路与相关建议,强调统一管理,“因地制宜”的管理方式,以求为发展现代道路运输业创造良好的体制机制。  关键词:职能调整;统一规划;“因地制宜”;试点工作  文章编号:978-7-5369-4434-3(2011)04-223-02     在我国优化调整经济结构和完善社会主义市场经济体制的重
An international survey released on January 22 reported that the global public generally has positive views of Chinese companies developing overseas as they bec
China and ASEAN countries have witnessed“smooth progress”over consultation on a Code of Conduct(COC)in the South China Sea during a recent joint meeting,Chine
“Civilizations only vary from each other—no civilization is superior to others,” declared Chinese President Xi Jinping in a keynote speech titled “Deepening
摘 要:傣族舞蹈起源于大自然中,从傣家人们日常生活为创作起点,用傣家人们生活的常态加上舞蹈的表演美感来诠释傣族舞蹈。本文通过对社会教学中傣族舞的现状分析,对社会教学实践中存在的问题提出个人的见解。  关键词:傣族舞蹈;社会教育;发展现状  舞蹈是一门独特的艺术,是人类社会行为的产物。同任何艺术一样,傣族舞蹈具有悠远的历史,是一个具有民族针对性的民族舞蹈,傣家人民善于吸收采纳来自四面八方的优秀文化精