
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuxuanxxd
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上海电视新闻从1958年诞生之日算起,已经超过而立之年。如今,它的发展规模,它在政治、社会生活中所起的作用,它和人民群众紧密而不可分割的关系,……都说明它已经步入精力勃发的创业年华。但还应当指出:我国电视新闻至今仍然是一个发育不全者,它还有一部分潜在的功能甚至是重要功能,尚未被认识和发掘出来;它面临着进一步改进的任务。 Shanghai TV news from the date of the birth of 1958, has surpassed the year. Today its scale of development, its role in politics and social life, its close and indivisible relationship with the people ... all demonstrate that it has entered a period of vigorous entrepreneurship. However, it should be pointed out that the television news in our country is still an underdeveloped one so far and that some of its potential functions and even important functions have not yet been recognized and unearthed. It is facing the task of further improvement.