Discussion on English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation Strategies of Attributes

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaodezuzut
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  【Abstract】Attribute is an important grammatical component in English and Chinese, but its usage in the two languages is quite different, which has caused some difficulties in the English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation, especially in terms of word order. This essay attempts to classify the positions and usages of English and Chinese attributes, especially English attributes, and then discusses the mutual translation strategies according to specific situations, in order to provide a favorable reference for translators.
  【Key words】Attributes; Positions; Translation Strategies
  1. Chinese Translation Strategies of English Attributes
  The English attributes have relatively flexible positions in a sentence. It can be extended to both left and right of the headword. The situations include the prepositive attributes, the postpositive attributes, and the coexistence of the two. The following content will discuss the classifications of attributive position and the corresponding translation strategies in Chinese.
  1.1 Chinese Translation Strategies of English Prepositive Attributes
  English attributes are prepositive when they are located in the left of the headword. They are usually divided into two forms: single attribute and multi-attribute. Different forms may be corresponded with different Chinese translation strategies.
  1.1.1 Chinese Translation of Single Prepositive Attributes
  When an English attribute is acted by a single word including that of adjectives, numerals, pronouns, nouns, participles, etc., it is usually positioned before the headword. This is the same as Chinese language habit. Therefore, the original word order can be maintained in the Chinese translation, sometimes with a “的phrase”.
  stone building——石頭砌的大厦
  faded flowers——凋谢的花
  boiling water——沸腾的水
  the changing world——变化的世界
  1.1.2 The Chinese Translation Strategies of Multi-Prepositive-Attributes
  Multi-attribute in English refers to the attributes played by more than one word. These attributes are usually placed with the order based on the “lower degree to higher degree” principle. The more substantial and definite the attributes, the closer they are to the headword. But this is sometimes exactly on the contrary in Chinese. Therefore, whether to retain the original word order or make some adjustment in Chinese translation should depend on the habit of the target language, i.e. the Chinese.   1.1.3 To keep the word order of the source language in Chinese translation
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