Facilitating investment in BRI nations

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  The global economy is facing both expanding opportunities and rising challenges, including the increasing gap in financing needed for development worldwide. The United Nations Development Programme holds the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals at the core of its mandate and welcomes all efforts that have the potential to accelerate their achievements on a global scale.
  Given its massive financing flows and investments in infrastructure, institutional capacities and people, when properly aligned the Belt and Road Initiative has the potential to significantly contribute to unlocking important resources, and to enhancing sustainable human development in partner countries. Aligning the Belt and Road Initiative with the SDGs more closely can unlock large-scale financing flows for infrastructure investment and sustainable development in Belt and Road partner countries and enhance the provision of global public goods.
  A recent survey conducted by the UNDP, with more than 700 Chinese companies investing in Belt and Road partner countries, finds that the key challenges companies face are in the areas of financing, laws and regulations, labor relations, and community engagement. For instance, in developing markets where their regulatory frameworks are not yet mature, investors and enterprises face the challenge of non-clarity and a lack of effective enforcement of policies and laws.
  As the survey underlines, there’s an increasing need for improving the overall business climate and business practices so that sustainable investments can thrive, enhancing both institutional and human capacity, as well as strengthening regulatory frameworks in the partner countries where they don’t exist.
  With Chinese enterprises, we aspire to promote sustainable investment that can incorporate environmental, social and governance(ESG) factors into the business decision-making process, so as to better manage risk and generate sustainable, long-term returns.
  Through facilitating a platform for stakeholder collaboration, policy engagement and implementing key pilot projects, the program focuses on strengthening partner countries’ capacities to address bottlenecks and regulatory gaps by establishing a network to promote sustainable investment, and enhance the economic, social and environmental dividends of Belt and Road investments both in selected pilot countries and beyond.
  As a trusted development partner with an extensive global network and expertise, the UNDP hopes to help shape the Belt and Road Initiative as an inclusive platform for economic growth and regional cooperation where sustainable investments can thrive. This will serve our ultimate goal of effectively mobilizing and utilizing resources for the successful implementation and acceleration of the UN 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
  The author is UNDP resident representative in China.
2019年3月出任瑞士驻华大使的罗志谊总是很忙,从7月份开始预约他的专访,到年底才得以落实。临近圣诞,大使馆内已经布置起圣诞树、彩灯等,为这个寒冷的冬天增添了节日的暖意。当记者按照约定时间来到大使办公室时,罗志谊刚从上一场活动中抽身,匆忙赶回赴约,他亲切地与记者握手问候,给记者留下了温文尔雅、彬彬有礼的第一印象。  尽管已经有在多个国家出任大使的经历,但中国几千年的文化底蕴和日新月异的发展最吸引他
中欧班列重新构筑了横跨亚欧地区的新亚欧大陆桥。铁路运输在时间上快于海运,在成本上又低于航空与公路运输,改变了以往只能走海运、跨境公路或国际航空的历史,对外经贸通道有了新的选择。  为加快将中欧班列打造成为“命运共同体”班列,有五点建议。  一是继续扩大向中国的出口,解决亚欧班列往返不平衡的问题。8年来,亚欧班列呈现出向上的发展势态,但由欧盟、中西亚、俄罗斯及独联体、东盟国家发往中国的班列较少。期盼
在新时代,外交学研究应立足中国特色大国外交实践,加强对外交中中国角色、中国路径、中国经验等方面的研究,拓展研究领域、丰富研究议题,努力为我国深入开展中国特色大国外交实践作出更多学术贡献。  研究组织化外交实践。当今世界,外交呈现多种形式,特别是在多边外交领域,组织化特征比较明显。多年来,中国通过大量卓有成效的外交活动,在联合国、二十国集团、世界贸易组织等国际组织框架内维护多边主义,维护广大发展中国
习近平向第十二届中国-东北亚博览会致贺信  Congratulatory letter from Chinese President Xi Jinping to the 12th China-Northeast Asia Expo  8月23日,第十二届中国-东北亚博览会在吉林长春开幕,国家主席习近平向博览会致贺信。习近平指出,东北亚是全球发展最具活力的地区之一,共建“一带一路”为拓展和深化地区合
摘要:近期,四川省发改委组织调研组赴江苏省南京市开展科技体制创新改革专题调研。江苏省通过政策“组合拳”,建设新型研发机构,培育园区和企业载体以及科技体制改革和新型平台载体建设等举措在推进科技体制创新改革方面取得实效。四川和江苏都是科教大省,学习江苏省的举措经验对四川省科技体制创新改革具有重要借鉴意义。  关键词:科技:体制创新:成果转化  一、主要做法  近年来,江苏省以建设“创新型省份”、南京市
摘要:在当前经济运行的背景下,超大规模市场优势已成为我国新的比较优势。其具有的巨大经济功能和战略意义,是升级我国经济全球化的重要依托。利用好大规模市场的比较优势,我国将积极发展创新经济并尽快建成创新驱动型国家。本文旨在从制度创新促进超大规模市场优势形成的角度提出建议。  关键词:超大规模市场:比较优势:制度创新  2019年11月5日,第二届中国国际进口博览会在上海举行,国家主席习近平出席开幕式并
新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。  白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。  时间的列车抵达2020年了。  这是具有重要意义的特殊一年,是全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划收官之年、决胜之年;是實现第一个百年奋斗目标,书写人类发展伟大传奇的一年。  回望刚刚走过的2019年,国内外环境及经济下行压力严峻复杂,风险和挑战明显上升。但“中国经济是一片大海,而不是一个小池塘。”中国经济以强大的韧性与潜力,不惧
人物名片  梅立,男,49岁,九三学社社员,1992年同济医科大学医学专业毕业,到四川省人民医院参加工作至今。主要擅长富颈疾病及宫、腹腔镜的手术治疗,现任四川省人民医院妇产科生殖内分泌专业组长。中国援佛得角第17批医疗队队员,并任2016年-2018年援佛得角医疗队队长。  “这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是整个医疗队的荣誉。”每当谈起获得“全国援外医疗工作先进个人”称号时,梅立总是谦虚地表示这份荣誉属
摘要:新中国成立70年来,掌握了自己命运的四川人民,在中国共产党的坚强领导下,实现了从“蜀道难”到“西部陆海新通道”的70年交通建设发展跨越,这是四川人民谱写的现代立体交通建设的辉煌篇章。  关键词:立体交通;跨越;现代化  一  “噫吁嚱,危乎高哉!蜀道之难,难于上青天!”诗仙李白的一首《蜀道难》,既道尽了四川人的愁苦,也成为罩在四川人身上的魔咒。四川、四川,四面是山。东有华中屋脊神农架挡道,南
图书是文化的重要载体,5000年中华文明沃土,诞生了无数传世经典。而在世界面临百年未有之大变局的当下,中国奇迹的背后藏有什么秘密?世界如何看待中国?中国又如何与世界沟通?中国文化如何更好“走出去”?解码这一切的秘密就隐藏在古老的文字中,承载在一本本著作之上。11月16日,在成都举行的2019年“一带一路”文化产业国际合作论坛暨翻译及国际版权合作研讨会上,参会嘉宾纷纷支招。  曾经缺失的认知  “国