巩固已得成就 继续进行改革——广东省印刷技术协会第四届四次年会上的工作报告

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过去的一年,我会根据邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义思想和在党的十四届三中全会关于建立社会主义市声经济体制的方针指引下,我协会围绕着推动企业转换机制这个中心积极开展工作,在发展队伍、企业管理、设备更新、技术改造、科技咨询、科普教育、在职工培训等方面协助企业做了大量工作。还组织内外交流、外出考察、以及做好报刊出版,办实业创收和表彰先进等各项工作都取得了一定的成绩,积累了一些经验,下面归纳几个方面向大家汇报,请各位理事审议。 In the past year, under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping in building socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics and under the guidance of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee on the establishment of a socialist market economy, I will focus on promoting the enterprise transformation mechanism. The center actively carried out work and assisted enterprises in doing a lot of work in the development of teams, corporate management, equipment renewal, technological transformation, science and technology consulting, popular science education, and employee training. It has also achieved certain achievements in organizing internal and external exchanges, outbound inspections, and publication of newspapers and magazines. It has achieved certain achievements in accumulating achievements in industrial production and commending advanced work. It has accumulated a number of experiences. The following summarizes several aspects to report to you and invites members to review.
【美国《核子周刊》1994年10月20日报道】根据能源部长Carlos Bastos建议的一项计划,阿根廷国家原子能委员会(CNEA)将分化成3个机构。计划于1995年底,CNEA的分化同阿根廷核
江苏省宜兴红旗陶瓷厂日前又一条引进意大利年产70万m~2的大型墙地砖生产线投产,这个厂目前已形成年产200万m~2多种规格墙 Yixing Hongqi Ceramics Factory of Jiangsu Pro
GM’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. John F. Smith, came to China in early July and expressed his willingness to enlarge cooperation with China dur
今年1月10日,长春欧吉达建筑陶瓷总厂生产的具有90年代国际先进水平的建筑材料——高级石化瓷砖通过验收。 On January 10 of this year, the advanced petrochemical tile